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Saturn from last night


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This is Saturn from last night. I spent most of the time just looking at it through various eyepieces - simply amazing jewel! 550 from 1127 frames stacked in Registax and a little further work in Gimp 2.2.


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I thought that a nice sharp image rather spoilt by the colour. Do you have the use Photoshop? If so try making a copy and applying Auto Levels. Overlay on the original and fiddle with the opacity level. The result has a much more realistic look to it and can be worked on with levels,curves,burn and dodge tools bring out a bit of detail.

Hope you don't object but here's one I did earlier,as they say. :D

This was a bit of a rush job but I hope it shows what I mean.



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Thanks for the tips. I only have Gimp 2.4. I made a duplicate layer and stretched the green and blue channels then merged the two layers with opacity at about 60%. Here's the result:


(click to enlarge)

Thanks heaps for your advice I think it looks heaps better now!



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