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Pointless comparison?

alan potts

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I went to Sofia to see my friend and to pick up the 3.5mm Pentx XW but due to a misunderstanding he brought me the 7mmXW.

I started work tonight on a side by side with the 7mm Nagler. Now I know of course these are both of the highest quality but I thought it might be of interest to some members, probably more so than the 3.5mm against the Delos.


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I tried to make a start but the wind left over from the storm that hit the UK was too strong and was almost cutting me in half with the cold.

I feel the difference between these two will be acceptable as a head to head with the FOV  difference only being 12 degrees. To some extent it will be the same as Johns review as the 7mm is also a T6 offering from the house of fine eyepieces, only in this case they are stated at the same focal length, though if one is different from the other here it will be impossible to tell visually due to any difference being so small..

We will have to see.


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