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am i wanting to much ?

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First off I would like to thank everyone that had helped me choosing my telescope.

Much appreciated

Now have got my 250px and the first clear night I have been out in the garden.

Found m31 can just make out a cloudy glow with a central star. Am i wanting to much to the structure of it.

Looking forward to Jupiter coming this evening.

Is love joy visible as well ?

Thanks in advance

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It's currrently sinking in the West, under 10 degrees, left of Nekkar in Bootes. I plain forgot about it as I would have gone out there earlier! I'm going out around 10pm to catch the Orion Nebula (M42) after I've done my family duties.... :mad:

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Found m31 can just make out a cloudy glow with a central star. Am i wanting to much to the structure of it.


that is not a central star, that's the bright galactic core of the galaxy, i.e. containing millions of stars. M31 is big (in the sky), but it's increasingly faint out to the edges and you need good dark skies to see the whole thing right to the edges. The core always stands out, but it's a small central bright region of something many times the size of the full Moon.

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Turn the light bucket on M42 (orion nebula) with a low - med power eyepice - if you want  structure that will blow you away.  If you want something else, then try M45 the pliedies - this is the lovely naked eye cluster above Taurus - low power eyepice will show these jewels in all their glory.

For DSO stuff don't expect anything like the imnages seen on here with the naked eye - the MK1 eyeball just isn't as good at capturing light as a camera

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Mk1 eyeball.....I like that :-D

Right ok so low to medium power and a dsl ...noted. dam street lights, has anyome got the off switch.

I wasn't expecting full colour jaw dropping images but a bit more then what I seen tonight.

Unfortunately Orion is tucked nicely behind the trees.

The finder scope showed andromeda well was surprised at that, oh it looked like a central star like our sun. Guess I didn't realize how big it is.

Hopefully the weekend will have some clear skies and I'll get on the cliffs with low power.

I'm probably being really stupid bit the lower the mm the lower the power ??

I'm still learning the ropes on this

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hey we all had to start some where - no problem asking questions.

If you take the focal length of your telescope and divide it by the focal length of the eyepiece this will give you the magnification.

It's a shame you can't move the scope to see M42 - It's really amazing through a decent wide field eyepiece, and the first time you see it will stick with you for a life time.  Conditions are't fantastic, but are the best for some time.  [removed word] - just had the first image of tthe horse head nebula pop up on the screen and a satelite and plane trails through it !! - sorry, where were we, ah yes, try and move the scope to see if you can get a glimps of M42 - you won't be dissapointed

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