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GAIN & OFFSET Double Check Me Please


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Hi Guys

I need someone to double check me....

The QHY8L instructions state then when setting GAIN you.....

* Close the end of the scope

* Set GAIN to 0

* Set Expose for 0sec

* Expose and you want a RMS/Avarage of between 500-1000. i find this a little vaugue so i went for 750 but by moving the OFFSET to 99 i get nearly my 750


Then comes the OFFSET

* Use a uniform light source (I'm using an EL Panel)

* increase the exposure (to what, 1sec 3mins ???? it doesnt say) In EZCAP i have moved the exosure to 3600ms (this is as high in MS as you can go)

* Looking this time for an RMS/Avarage value of between 60000-65000 (again i aimed for the half way point of 62500)

Changing the GAIN this time to 2 i have a value just below 63k

So my settings are

Gain   = 2

Offset = 99

FLATS = 1.563secs (The lowest i could expose a flat before my RMS/Avarage dropped was 1.563secs)

Does this sound like i'm doing this right, i'm doubting myself.


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