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Celestron nexstar - help

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Welcome to the group.

It does take a bit of practice I'm afraid. Stick with it a keep asking questions - there are so many things to get the hang of.  Everyone here is very helpful.

Sometimes the sky isn't as clear as you think it is ("Seeing"), but you should see nice sharp points of light when aimed at stars. Perhaps the focus is not right, try focussing on a distant object during the day, or a distant streetlight at night.

I got my Nexstar 6Se a year ago and I had to re-read the manual carefully and practice in daylight (***NEVER*** POINT IT AT THE SUN!).  Initial alignment takes a bit of practice before you get it right.

You might find these sites useful:


http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/5372796/page/8/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/fpart/1   (especially the method described by Tel).


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I had a nextstar a few years back. One thing that caught me out was Celestron insist on the date being in American format Year  Day  Month.

My Nexstar is MM/DD/YY which is also a pain, maybe its because mine is newer and just out the box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Nexstar is MM/DD/YY which is also a pain, maybe its because mine is newer and just out the box.

Same, I aligned yesterday and the GOTO was way off, went back and yep, just as I suspected, put 11/12/13 instead of 12/11/13.

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