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Noth Hants Newbie


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61 year old diver but always loved Patrick Moore and feel before I start to curtail my diving I should get a new hobbie underway.

Bit impulsive so went on ebay a splashed £31 on a Polaris Refracting Meade :laugh:   Just something to point at things to get in the swing and then in the New Year who knows.  Hopefully folks here will guide me to a more considered decision for the next step which will no doubt cost a bit more.

And in less than 2 days my older village mate Barry wants to join in!  Incredibly social this star gazing  :grin:

Cheers one and all  :cool:

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Thanks all for the welcome.  Now onward and more importantly upward (which for a diver is a little weird  :smiley: ).

Sorry for the tipo in the title.  Although the thought of the mystical village of Noth might get me novel writing again while I wait for those skies to clear.

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I believe my cheap secondhand Ebay 60mm Meade telescope will arrive on Thursday (and of course we have he odd pair of binos lying around).   I've had a read here (brilliant post by Qualia :icon_salut: ) about not getting hopes to high.  And of course need clear skies.  But if we (I include my 80 year old mate Barry as I need someone to make the tea :grin: ) get going late in the evening on Friday and Saturday is Jupiter as gooder starting point as any?   I'm assuming ISON will not now be a beginners object :sad: .

And any other tips about how to get the best from our first stnt would be very welcome.

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Hi, Nigele2, and welcome to SGL! If you haven't done already I can recommend downloading the free palnetarium 'Stellarium' (available here: http://stellarium.org/) This is used by many on here as it shows what is available in the night sky, where to look and when. It is a very useful tool in planning an evening's viewing, and is customisable toy your location - and even your scope  -showing what you can expect to see.

Hope this helps,


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