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First M33 with my FSQ and Atik 460


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Was a rubbish night with very high haze and moon rising.  But beggars can't be choosers, certainly not in the UK!  However, here is 75 mins of 1x1 L and 15mins each of RGB 2x2 at -21C.  It needs more data to reduce the noise a bit more and maybe some Ha.  Here the scope is at F5.   Not done that much processing, just calibrated the subs, DBE tool and LRGB combination.  Anyway, here goes.  Critiques welcomed. 

The Tak is an utterly wonderful telescope.  Absolutely fantastic. Just point it, focus and forget!  Olly is bang on with his praise for this instrument.  I hope that one day I have the skills to do it justice.

Thanks, Steve


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