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OB's Leccy Short????

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Hi guys

I was just in my obs testing a new focuser, i put my hand on the tripod leg and felt what i initailly thought was a very slight vibration, it was occuring on each leg. I tested some bits but nothing resolved the issue then i turned my thoughts to a short and powered down the OBS sure enough the feel through the tripod went away.

My OB's is essentially an extension lead on a rubber floor with a load of circuit breakers. I've been working my way through the various power suplies  (Camera, Focuser, USB Hub etc) and the 2 that seem to cause the issue Is the Mount and the Dew controller yet when i plug them into my power tank the issue doesnt happen. They are 12v cigerette plugs which plug into Camping Gaz 12v to 240v convertors, ive tried swaping them around.

I do think its the main cable from the house that has issues & im going to run an extension cable from another ring main in the house & re-power the OB's (tomorrow) to see if the issue exists but.......

1) Any ideas why only the 12V Plugs are showing the issue up?


2) Is there anything else i should be doing to check/troubleshoot this? i don't want to blow anything up, inc. myself :grin:


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Sounds like a ground/earth loop


To be a bit more specific what are the tripod legs attached to electrically?  If they are on rubber flooring and not attached to an earth then they could be "floating" at a different voltage than anything else.

Someone more knowledgeable might be able to advise you on a solution.

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