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Big Story/Need 4/ISON


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With the 24hr news cycle has come trumped up stories to sell news and increase viewership. It's created an exceedingly disturbing perception that it's Science that's getting things wrong be it ISON or bird flue. It's created a distrust with a large part of the population who quite frankly should know better. The talking heads chosen to promote these stories are fame seekers... picking facts to create drama instead of a true picture. This of course is my opinion... I'm often times wrong

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Unfortunately most journalists, and the media in general, are interested in selling news papers and/or viewing figures and do not understand the process science. They often over simplify or sensationalise some scientific discovery or theory (etc) to the point where it becomes  a misrepresentation of the truth (and in some cases a gross misrepresentation) . 

I work in the eye field and number of times the research I have been involved in has attracted media attention. Over the years we have kept a number of news paper articles about our findings  with head lines such 'scientist find cure for blindness'. This of course is rubbish.  Another problem is that some members of the public seem to think that the process of scientific research establishes concrete facts, were as in reality often all we have is a  best guess, until such time as further and more advanced experiments are able to reveal fresh scientific evidence. 

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