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Too cold for the USB pixies?

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Because my laptop only has three USB ports and to provide a reliable USB power source I have a powered USB hub that I used to connect to my HEQ5, gamepad and a few other bits.  My main camera always goes straight back to the laptop.  I had no problem with this arrangement over the summer, but the last couple of times I've been out I've had problems with random USB disconnections which is rather frustrating when it means EQMOD can no longer see the mount.  I'm wondering if it's perhaps too cold for the USB pixies to want to move all that data about in the hub.  The spec. does say "0 to 40C" for the operating temperature and it's certainly chilly enough out there at the moment to be very close to the bottom end of that range.

Does it seem plausible that temperature might be the issue?

Fortunately for planetary imaging I can get away with three USB connections anyhow so I can at least give that a go without the hub next time it's clear.


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