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NGC 1156 in Aries - Lovely local galaxy..


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Found three more galaxies tonight but the best by far was NGC 1156 in Aries.

Lovely low surface brightness glow next to a mag 13 field star.

Seems to be a local galaxy 16 million light years away and is similar to the Magellanic galaxies of our milky way system.

Here is a Hubble pic of it....


Its mag 11 but its surface brightness is mag 14 and this is the challenge.

I could not see its companion the "dark galaxy" that they found nearby!

Very nice..


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Is this from home (LM 5.5) Mark and was this out of reach of your old 10"?

I'm finding that now I've started on a slightly more advanced list than the Messiers the objects are slightly harder to spot but like this galaxy a little more quirky and fun. :)

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Yes Cetus is a good area, lots of galaxies...Like the log book.

I put my observations in to access and then I can run reports like this. Its all the galaxies I have observed from the brightest to the faintest..

Seen galaxies.pdf

Mike - yes its from home 5.5 mag sky..with the 14 inch..

I know...... I am fouling up my records of galaxies you can see with a 10 inch scope by getting the 14 inch.... but I do keep a note of which scope was used so I will have to update my report to highlight the 14 inch observations.


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Thanks for sharing the 'Seen Galaxies' file. A 32 page list is testament to some dedicated Astronomy!

I have seen mag. 11 galaxies and also those with a s.br of 14 but I think the combination (NGC 1156) is beyond my 127mm refractor. One for future years when I convince my wife that a 12" dobsonian is the way forward.

Still, I am more than happy with my galaxy haul of 166 with my fairly modest equipment.

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I observed NGC 1156 with my 8" dob at a dark site on a very cold and blustery night in November 2007. My notes say:

"Moderately bright, fairly even surface brightness but gradually brighter to centre, no nucleus. Elongated north-south, just east of 3 similarly aligned stars. Galaxy has star on northern tip."

Looking at the image I can see the star, though my estimate of orientation was a bit out, as the galaxy is really extended NNE-SSW. Perhaps the star influenced my perception of the galaxy as a whole (that kind of thing can happen a lot). Steve Gottlieb's description at the NGC/IC Project (also using an 8") has "faint, diffuse, slightly elongated SSW-NNE. A mag 12.5 star is just NW of the NE flank". However my perception of north-south agrees with the NGC description: "pretty bright, considerably large, pretty much extended with position angle 0 degrees, between 2 stars."

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