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Nice outside tonight.


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Just sat in the garden with mk 1 eyeballs looking at the sky before the moon shows up . Have to say its a very clear one tonight . Best I've seen for a while . Might whack a few layers on though it's getting cold already.

Clear skies all.

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The weather here said clear and sunny, as I was putting the wipers on in the car to clear the rain off the screen. :grin: :grin:

Since then it has been dark grey clouds and now we have more rain.

Never had a clear sky since 10:00 this morning.

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Thanks; Rory. Out this end the nights have been very clear this week but the seeing has been getting progresively worse. I would have made a trip out tonight to a dark site, but the seeing forecast is one of the worst I've seen this year. I won't bother with the dark site now and will view from the roof top instead.

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Well, I've not done much mk1 gazing before . I wondered if I'd get any hint of m31 if I got dark adapted and just sat and stared from my light polluted town. I figure I can see stars at about 5th magnitude at the zenith. Tried for half hour or so but no. Still nice trying .

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Total cloud in Nottingham.  Has been all day.  We've had clear spells these last few nights but moon is always up and cloud always threatening.

One thing that has been annoying is total cloud up to 9PM-ish.  I then give up and put PJ's on and settle down.  Kick the cat out before going to bed at 10:30 and clear as a bell!  Lost my astro mojo by then!

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Beautifully clear here in Bristol. Been out for an hour already and warming up now for Doctor Who with the family :-)

Quite nice here indeed in Bristol before the moon rise this evening, which is now pushing on a bit so that gives a few hours.

NGC 1502 revealed some nice lines of starts

Caldwell 28 revealed numerous Feynman diagrams at high Mag.

M33 was sort of visible

η Cas split into a lovely double

Some searches for nebulous bodies around cepheus and cassiopiea did not reveal a huge deal but that did not stop me trying, still some nice clusters.

Some other old friends revisited.

All in all a good one followed by watching Horizon comet of the century on BBC,  and for the first time  hear one of the presenters reinvent heavy water ( note: the extra proton instead of a neutron, how did that slip through the edits ) besides that, a very interesting programme. :D

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