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Has my QHY5v gone bad?


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Not really used for more than a year as with the rest of the equipment. Had a number of problems that resulted in ripping out USB system and drastically simplifying it. Thinking that all was then well, I enabled AstroTortilla with success and then I was on my way. I was wrong again.

My QHY5v is in deep trouble I think but I would like confirmation or ideas in resolving. Note that this did work well in those days.

Basically, off line in daylight via its telescope and PHD, the images are grainy, vary from light to grey to black but always noisy/grainy. No stable image. At night the story is the same. The image never stabilises as one should expect. PHD settings that did work once no longer do along with many variations.

I have tried original Ascom 5 s/w and camera s/w as well as current s/w to no avail.

Am I right into thinking the QHY5v has had its day? Any help in resurrecting would be welcome.

If all is lost, what replacement guide camera at a decent price should I go for.

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