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New Scope - FSQ-85 and bits

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In the spirit of "what the heck, you only live once" I bought a new FSQ-85EDX, reducer and mounting bits!  More photos later but just quickly screwed the mount bits together and here she is.  I received a nice bonus in September and have been dithering ever what to buy ever since. I was tempted by the 106 but crave a wider FoV before all else.  I may look into a 106EDX later.  

I do not have the exact and final spacing of the dovetail bits as yet - too tired and will look into that tomorrow when I will balance the whole thing.

I also upgraded the standard NEQ6 saddle to a ADM one.  The scope is in 95mm Parallax rings mounted onto a 11" ADM Losmandy bar - Imperial.  On top of the Parallax rings is a 7" ADM Losmandy Imperial onto which in turn is a Vixen ADM 11" bar to which my guidescope will attatch.  The same guidscope (to which a upside down Visen saddle is attatched) connects onto the top Vixen of my RC8 scope so I needed to maintain that connectivity type.  The mouting bits here alone are the thick end of £400.  Do not want a nice scope like that dropping on the asphalt now do we ! :)

The scope is a thing of beauty.  It is so powerfully made and chunky - I can't think of another word!  I may name this on my home insurance as well tomorrow.

Anyways, here it is:

EDIT:  Thanks to Steppenwolf (aka Steve Richards) for his invaluable advice!!




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Heh heh, you know what I think. Sound choice. Chunky it is.

If you don't want it hitting the asphalt get some stop screws in that ADM Losmandy dovetail NOW!!! Hot and cold can let the dovetail wriggle slowly down through the saddle plate (I have ADM as well and have had this happen). You just thread a bolt into the dovetail top and bottom to stop it sliding through. It really is vital.

With the camera on I think you'll need to slide the scope forwards in the saddle to balance, but I think you'll have enough movement.


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Thanks Olly, I have some said bolts to do just that.  Great tip.

EDIT: Just done it with the knurled screws provided with the dovetail.  You can see it obscuring the ADM symbol slightly in the picture   I checked it and if the saddle should open slightly with temp change the bolt will catch the dovetail slipping.


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Thanks Olly, I have some said bolts to do just that.  Great tip.

EDIT: Just done it with the knurled screws provided with the dovetail.  You can see it obscuring the ADM symbol slightly in the picture   I checked it and if the saddle should open slightly with temp change the bolt will catch the dovetail slipping.


Phew!!!  :grin:


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I just don't get all this fuss over Takahashi scopes .........................















. Congratulations on a beautiful scope, may it serve you well till you pass it down to generations that follow.

I have the TSA120 and the FS60CB and they are just beautiful !!!!!!!!

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My only concern is how tight to do the parallax rings on the tube.  I am quite strong and I have done them up quite tight.  Not stupidly so but tight enough.  Hopefully this does not pinch the tube and hence the lens cells below?

There's even a blue sky in Nottingham this morning.  Could be in business later.......   :)  (I am sure that has put a curse on the scope...! )

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Here a few more pics now that I have got the balance right with scope/guidescope and camera combination.  The scopes are 100% parallel even if they may not look as such when captured with the iPone camera that distorts the view.

I got a few luminance subs tonight - in between guiding issues - before it clouded over.  Not bad to get some subs second night of ownership in the UK! :)



This third picture shows the scope with all screw-in adapters to use at the native F5 - i.e. without reducer.  It uses a different CA35 adapter than teh CA35 you use with teh reducer!  So you need two differewnt CA35's if you want F5 and reduced.


And finally a picture with the scope off the mount - and now under our bed. Again it looks like the scope and plate are not parallel but they are. I need to get a case for the scope urgently.  I may buy a skywatcher ED80 case and adapt it.  I have checked it out against my current ED80 case and it will fit a treat.  I will sell my ED80 setup now.


Rgds, Steve

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