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A Meade 5000 14mm UWA at stupid money? This can't be kosher, can it?


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i havent heard or seen any counterfeits of Meade 5000 series UWA and if the price is correct,take it without thinking and walk away laughing.UWA series are awesome eye pieces and will perform beautifully in your scope.Everyones eyes are different,but i didnt found any issues with eye relief or ergonomics of these eye pieces whilst i had them.There was a few postings in different forum saying that these will not perform great in fast scopes,again I can confirm they perform absolutely spot on in fast scopes as i used them in F4.7 and found no issues at all.

There are few people on here who still have these EP in they collections and i am sure they will confirm my words of performance of these.

I doubt any bad eye piece will be cloned where recently we can see that Meade ones have been copied or adopted to different brands.Maxvisions are the same meade series 5000 EP,and also the 100 degree series XWA series eye piece have been "adapted" by one of the companies.

Good luck with your purchase and clear skies.

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Funny thing - I googled Meade 5000 14mm UWA (narrowed it down to last 12 month and UK only) and guess what - top five returns were from SGL :grin: , not because they were answering my question, but because someone listed Meade 5000 14mm UWA in their signature.

One way to defeat/confuse google search engine :tongue:

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Just to clear up the clone thing as far as I understand the maxvision are meade eyepieces  that meade couldn't pay for because of their financial problems so they are not  meade clones they are the real thing just rebadged

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They are not a very good deal for anyone trying to sell a Meade badged eyepiece that there is a MV version of, lets face it some of the S5000 range were very expensive.

But I agree dam good for the people that are now filling their eyepiece cases.


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