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Skywatcher SP Plossls V Celestron Omni Plossls


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Looking to get some plossl eyepieces (10mm or 12mm and 32mm) for the WO Binowiewer.

I've started using the WO Binoviewer after sorting out problems with it coming to focus in the 120ed and also the problem of the 120ed focuser drawtube being a bit wobbley and loose.

I have to say that I was absolutely blown away by the views through the Binoviewer compared to views using just a single eyepiece.

I'm looking at plossls because there are concerns about "nose relief" with other types of eyepieces.

Is there any difference in image quality between the Skywatcher SP Plossls and the Celestron Omni Plossls.


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I think they are pretty much the same. The Omni plossls are a bit lighter than the Skywatcher SP's as there is more alloy used in their construction. Optically, like many of these plossls, they perform pretty much the same and may well come from the same factory - the manufacturer Synta does now own both the Celestron and Skywatcher brands.

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Thanks John.

Do you have experience of using any other types of eyepieces in Binoviewers other than Plossls?

I will probably get the Skywatcher eyepieces as they are cheaper and then later on look for better quality eyepieces if any are suitable for using in a Binowiewer.


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When I was thinking of expanding the range of eyepieces for the binoviewer I looked hard at the Magellan WA models from 365 Astronomy which I reckon must be very similar to the 20mm William Optics ones (they even have a Swan on them !):


I never got around to buying any but for £29 apiece I reckon they might do a good job.

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