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Jupiter 15th nov shadow transits


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Hi all seeing yet again all over the place but managed a couple of runs before the dreaded mist moved in, but it was well worth it just to get a double shadow transit of Calisto to the right & Ganymede bottom left & also Europa making a show too!

Images actual size taken with a meade 5000 3x telextender which gives a smaller image scale to my 3x tv barlow!

Thanks for looking!



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Hi Neil regards to the different image scales, when I bought it I thought id been sold a x2 by mistake but when I purchased a tv 4x powermate at great expence the image scale was only slightly bigger than my 3x tv barlow, so I started a thread on stargazers & not to many members came back on it ? apparently the extender works similar to a powermate comprising of four elements both positive & negative- barlows are usualy two or three, the best answer I got was( that the angle of light when its corrected by the lens is different, still not sure Neil all sounds confusing to me, sorry to bore you all with the details maybe someone on here can explain better lol because its quite intresting! :grin:

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Nicely caught Simon! 

I decided to have a couple of hours sleep and then get up at 3 am, unfortunately it was very misty then, and clouded over within half an hour. :sad:

By the way, I think it is actually Callisto you have caught and not the shadow - that transited much earlier in the evening!  It is not unknown for me to be totally wrong though. :grin:


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Thanks Stuart, never pay much attention to exact times maybe I should, I would say around 1.45 looked on the laptop and there it was nice surprise, but only got a few runs in due to cloud and heavy mist, plus jupe was jumping around like a yoyo lol so found it difficult to get good focus!

Thanks JuanCT Thanks Angie had a quick look at stellarium think im right lol but you never know!

Thanks also Pete, yea getting there starting to get braver trying different frame rates in between runs etc, I think ive made the right move even if it is a pain sometimes!

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