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First light with the Mallincam Xtreme X2


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NEWS FLASH!  New gear arrived, AND NO CLOUD CURSE!  These were taken last night, 11/12/13, and I have to say it was freaking cold...18 fahrenheit.
First impression, typical Mallincam build quality, solid, no squeaks or rattles.  I did notice 3 dust motes that appears to be in the IDAS LP filter.  I am stunned at the lack of hot pixels on this camera.
The camera functions perfectly with Bill Koperwaites fine Miloslick camera control program, and I have to say, not having to walk out to the scope to change integration time on the camera is sweet.  Breaking the 56 second limit of the MCHP is fantastic also.
I have some line noise in the video, most of it stacks out in Miloslick, but it is still a bit visible.  I did a rough polar alignment, so my stars aren't perfect, but tonight promises to be another clear night.  The moon was at 50%, and there was a touch of humidity in the air.....I cant wait for a no moon outing.
AGC was at 3, and the cooler was set at 3, no fans running, with the ambient so low, I didnt think it was needed.
Thanks to all who joined me on NSN last night, and gave me valuable advice to get the new cam online in a hurry!
5 stars, yet another winner from Rock Mallin!
Here's a link to my gallery.


Andy in MO

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Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new Mallicam - very revealing shots - well done and that's with the Milonslick software too?  Could you explain "int 90 of 90s: frames 4 of 4" please - what does that mean?  ;-)

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Thanks for the kind replies, and you too Maurice!

It is kind of self-explanatory......100 of 100 means that the integration time of 100 seconds has reached it's goal of 100 seconds.  The stack means that 4 of 4 integrations has reached it's maturity, and the final stacked result is being presented.  No pretense or false information, just the way it was.  

I have read your many topics on CN, and really dont want to engage in a this vs that exchange.......  I believe that the readers of this forum have a fairly good understanding of video astronomy, and our interpretations of it.  

So lets just leave this thread just the way it was, I was simply starting a discussion about my first light with new equipment.  Nothing more, nothing less.  And I did understand the "wink".......

I like my gear, you like yours......  In the words of Ringo Starr....Peace and Love, Peace and Love.



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,Thanks Andy - so 100s x 4stack = 400s gross exp- is that correct ?

Maurice, you already know the answer. You picked on the same point in CN. Is this where you again argue the point that 100s x 4stack = 400s gross exp isn't 'Live' Video Astronomy but Imaging? even though it is all done 'on-the-fly'. 

Please leave that rubbish in CN as the members and Moderators in here have already requested. 

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I'm interested in how these cameras work - Nytecam's question was valid as far as I'm concerned as it was not clear what the total integration time was.

I do not frequent CN very often and am not interested in old battles, I am interested in technology and it's application to astronomy and have no 1st hand experience of Rock Mallins products.

As far as I'm aware there are no hard an fast rules about what can and cannot  be posted in this forum - our common interest is viewing near real time and not the collection of huge amounts of data to create stunning images. So whether you use a web cam, a CCD guide cam, a dedicated astro CCD, a modified security cam or a dedicated astro video camera your input and views are welcome - just play nicely.

So whether the image takes 10 seconds or 5 minutes to appear on the screen I don't really care - especially if I get something to look at whilst the image build up.

Clear skies


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well said Doc, I could not have put it better myself. I love looking at the fabulous pics on the imaging forums, and would love to produce those images, if only I had the time.

We all know that these fabulous images are produced by spending many hours collecting data, stacking subs and further prcessing with software, but having spent too many years sat on a computer editing people pics, I no longer have the inclination to do the same with astro pics. I do want to see these wonderful night sky objects, and to be able to see them appearing on the screen in near real time is brilliant. Its something I can share with the family instantly.

I do mainly solar imaging and observing now, and on screen it is live and in real time. So if i have to wait 100secs for a dso pic to appear on screen, who cares. Its as near to real time as I can get.

 Given how fast VA is progressing and with better cams becoming available it won't be long before dso's will be viewed in real time. Then all these little conflicts won't be necessary.

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. . .  Given how fast VA is progressing and with better cams becoming available it won't be long before dso's will be viewed in real time. 

Yes, it is getting exciting.

Currently the only way to get absolute 'Live' Deep Sky Video is with an Image Intensifier.

As an example, here is Cnoct's absolute 'Live' video of Comet Lovejoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22N7K1ZdmM

And his collection of objects, all 'Live'. :smiley:   As an example of how 'Live' this is, watch the meteors from 00:45 onwards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uqQ6kr0W7U

It will be very exciting when we can get to this level of 'Live' in full colour!

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Hey Andy: sorry I missed the start of your broadcast but I really expected you to have clouds for a month. I also believe this is my first post here. Nice captures especially considering the amount of moonlight. Cage match coming up next dark of the moon period. Seems to be a nice and friendly forum here. I hope the egos can be checked at the door about what is best and what is astrovideo and we can all enjoy this pursuit. .. Dwight

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Thanks for the kind replies, and you too Maurice!

It is kind of self-explanatory......100 of 100 means that the integration time of 100 seconds has reached it's goal of 100 seconds.  The stack means that 4 of 4 integrations has reached it's maturity, and the final stacked result is being presented.  No pretense or false information, just the way it was.  

I have read your many topics on CN, and really dont want to engage in a this vs that exchange.......  I believe that the readers of this forum have a fairly good understanding of video astronomy, and our interpretations of it.  

So lets just leave this thread just the way it was, I was simply starting a discussion about my first light with new equipment.  Nothing more, nothing less.  And I did understand the "wink".......

I like my gear, you like yours......  In the words of Ringo Starr....Peace and Love, Peace and Love.



Hi Andy

Andy your images are fantastic and congratulations on your new MCX2. I know you will enjoy this camera so much and you will use it to it's fullest.

Clear skies,

Chris A


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,Thanks Andy - so 100s x 4stack = 400s gross exp- is that correct ?

Maurice no this is not correct. Miloslick uses two different stacking methods sum and average. If Andy used sum then yes the 4 x 100 sec would = 400 seconds, but I believe Andy used average and this therefore does not = to 400 seconds.

Chris A


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