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Jupiter io shadow transit 13th nov


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Thanks for the kind comments guys,a lot of the data does not seem as good as I first thought, I think the seeing was changing in between runs & the blue channel very weak indeed!

I remember a similar conversation Simon we had with many members having the same seeing.. you might remember too. I reckon there was a bad jet stream over a large part of the UK last night. I never checked the forecast. but was struggling  all night. very disappointing after waiting for the UK weather to clear for just a night. At some points it was all over the place.

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I remember a similar conversation Simon we had with many members having the same seeing.. you might remember too. I reckon there was a bad jet stream over a large part of the UK last night. I never checked the forecast. but was struggling  all night. very disappointing after waiting for the UK weather to clear for just a night. At some points it was all over the place.

Yes Neil I don't think your far wrong, I packed up when it was still clear because jupe looked like it was boiling!
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Well, reading down the posts about your conditions etc this night I went from thinking "this is pretty nice" to a far better appraisal Simon: never sell yourself short...I just said to Paul (Sunspot) over on CN that the only way you're going to have a proper chance to strike really decent seeing is to be out there - and you've done far better than that here..! :icon_salut:  :icon_salut:  :icon_salut:

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That is superb Simon all the more so given the crappy seeing that a lot of are experiencing. I tried myself, and, though better than previous nights, seeing was still very poor with Jupiter wobbling and waving all over the place. You have done very well, excellent.

Best regards,


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I also like the new image on the left Simon. There's some nice detail coming through and well processed. Your going to get good seeing at some point so its all good practice. I still predict you'll surpass your best ever this apparition.


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