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3D eyepiece model


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The interior of my yellow Pelican measures 19"x141/2". I was going to cut the foam,but I just "picked and plucked" so that I could reconfigure(with adhesive) the foam if needed.I am hoping to get a Baader Maxbright in the future,with a couple orthos go to with it,also the Paracorr in there is an option too.The great thing is Yong's expertise makes it easy to reconfigure at any time

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I have the cube cut foam in my eyepiece cases but I don't remove any cubes. I break away a section of cubes the approx shape and size of the item to be housed, but leaving them in the foam. I then press the item into the foam. The block of foam will depress beneath the item and soon forms into a snug shape around it with the foam in the lid keeping it in place.

When I change things around, the depressed foam cubes soon pop up back into place so I can make a different shaped depression for another item as if the first item had never been there. No glue needed either.

Here are my current cases:


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