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Delos 10mm versus BGO part 2 :-)


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Well here goes :shocked:

The main target tonight was the Moon.

First of all I am pleased to say the BGO I have is not a duff after all  :grin:  it faired much better on Moon than it did on Jupiter.

Something I noticed was the atmosphere affected the BGO greater than the Delos, this may explain why it faired so poorly in my initial review especially with the extra magnification involved and also the difference in size we see through the scope between Jupiter and the moon.

I looked at loads of craters, ledges and areas of different colours and I must say all looked very impressive in the BGO, it is very good indeed with a lovely black contrast between the Moon and the night sky.

However, the Delos was still noticeably better. Edges of craters, contrasting colours and the moons outline  etc.. were all better defined and sharper, the contrast between the Moon and the night sky was the trademark demonic black. I am sure the extra FOV enhances these differences even more.


The BGO is a very good eyepiece and for less than half the price it is a definite contender, but once again the Deloi performed noticeably better and for the price I think this is to be expected  :laugh:

I will be keeping the BGO as it compliments my collection, it is also green and black and sits nicely next to the 3-6 Nagler :laugh:

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Another great report Pig!

I do like your style of just saying it as you see it, I hope you keep them coming!

I have just the one Delos, the 10mm, and it id already my favorite ep in my collection for many of the reasons you have already pointed out in your reports!

I will myself soon attempt a 'shoot out' of my 10mm Delos, 10mm BCO and 10mm Tal Super Plossl, so will try and put together my feelings on them in a similar style to the way you have done!


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Thanks for that acount, I am considering saving up for a delos 10mm, which would give me 203x mag with my C8. Appreciate that it is a bit more high powered with your scope.

As above, any follow-up account on Jupiter would be welcome.

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Nice little report Pig. :)

For a manual dob I find the Delos range are very comfortable to use, I have the 8mm, 10mm and 17.3mm Delos and for my eyes anyway I can't fault them.

I've never used a BGO and wouldn't consider one for my dob but if I ever get another Frac on a EQ then I think they would be perfect.

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Another nice report Shaun  :smiley:

I think calling it as you see it is the best way to report these things. 

I'm glad your BGO is showing it's merits. As the Baader GO's are out of production now, I'm happy to report that the Astro Hutech and Fujiyama orthos are just as good, in case anyone can't find a used BGO.

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I think calling it as you see it is the best way to report these things. 

It should be the only way to report things.  :rolleyes:

Not here, thank the lord, but you do see reports where people are quite clearly just trying to justify their new purchase!  :grin:


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Thank you all for your posts the feedback is very much appreciated :smiley:

I will try another shot at Jupiter when I get the chance. But I feel in my scope its just a tad too much magnification for the 9mm BGO to perform at its best.(261 x mag)

Thanks again for this; most useful as usual!

How would you quantify/rate the seeing and transparency last night from your location?

I only got time to concentrate on the Moon before I got summoned to my brothers house. :smiley:  I would say the seeing at the time of the report was acceptable and  the Moon was  probably at about 60 degrees from the horizon, It did get a lot better as the night went on but I was not observing at this time

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