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Looks like a promising night


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It's clear here for the first time in living memory.  Looks like it could be quite a decent night for most of the UK from the pictures on Sat24.  I'm just off out to set up and refamiliarise myself with the sky.  I've got no idea whereabouts everything is now.


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Looking clear, but everything's dripping wet, dew plus the rain we've had lately. Think the humidity's sky high too.

Had my scope out for a couple hours, just been out to check it and the secondary has dewed up, first time thats ever happened!

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The temperature certainly seems to be dropping fast, which I guess explains the dew, particularly given all the water that's already hanging about.  The Moon looks very crisp from here though, so I remain hopeful.


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hmm, lovely and clear over Norfolk too so v tempting to get the kit out an play tonight, but I'm toying with the idea of an early night and then getting up at Silly O'Clock to try and catch Ison. The gamble is that it'll be cloudy again by then!  :BangHead:

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It's nice and clear here but the seeing isn't that great at high power on the moon, at least. You get the odd glimpse of nice detail between the wobbly bits.

Still, it's nice to be out with the scope anyway  :smiley:

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Having had a chance to have a quick scout about I think I have to agree with you John.  Even with the naked eye Capella appears to be wobbling all over the place and its hardly low in the sky.  Doesn't bode well for Jupiter later, but I'm going to give it a crack anyhow.


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Just been standing outside in my back garden admiring the lovely clear night sky. I know that I should have had my scope out, but was busy until half 7 this evening, so far too late to set up really. There will be others. We are heading into the depths of winter and the cold clear nights that are just perfect. Getting my thermals prepped in readyness. Bring it on!!!!!

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Just finished packing up.  I called it a night just before midnight as the Moon was developing a halo and there was clearly even more moisture in the air.

Very pleasant just to spend some time outside for once nonetheless.


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Had a nice couple of hours out in the garden earlier. My little girl had her first look at the moon at low mag so she could see the whole thing, and I was treated to a really nice meteor streaking through Cygnus. Spotted a nice mountain/peak casting a long shadow on the Moon also. I've not seen one of those before.

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I shot jupiter around midnight - another 12GB of wobbly mush with only the odd glimpse of detail at 4200mm focal length - pushing it too far again, but surely one night the seeing must improve sufficiently!   Jupiter 4 - Snakey 0 so far this season.

At wideangle things were a bit better, with 90 mins on M81/M82 and half an hours catch up on M42.     Might even set a run going on M45 with a park at the end, before heading up stairs :)

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