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Celestron Eyepieces - which one????? AArrrggghhh!!!!!

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Hey guys,

Following on from my previous beginners lens question, I have a fairly good idea what I am looking for, and which size eyepieces I am after. But could anyone tell me the difference between these 3 eyepieces? Its very confusing.

The Celestron 6mm E-Lux Plossl http://www.celestron.uk.com/catalogues/view_item.asp?ItemID=32612&CatalogueID=272&CategoryID=3873

The Celestron 6mm Standard Plossl ....( which you can seemingly buy also in a set) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-CELESTRON-6mm-PLOSSL-1-25-Telescope-Eyepiece-Lens_W0QQitemZ180200879043QQihZ008QQcategoryZ3636QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The Celestron 6mm Omni-plossl ........ http://www.celestron.uk.com/catalogues/view_item.asp?ItemID=32616&CatalogueID=272&CategoryID=3873

Not sure which one is the best value for the money?????



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Their specification is pretty much the same as far as I can see. In practice you might not be able to tell the difference between them - they may well all have the same glass in them and it's just the cosmetic differences that separate them :rolleyes:

Maybe Adam Hinds can help out as he knows the Celestron products well I should think.


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The E-LUX doesn't have any mention of MULTI coatings does it? Just fully coated throughout.

The OMNI PLOSSL and the one from the EYEPIECE SET (the same eyepieces bar the sleeve colour maybe? I dunno) are fully multi coated.

Well spotted SR :rolleyes:

Fully multicoated is a slightly better spec than fully coated so it might be worth going for one of those.


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