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Radian arrived.

alan potts

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Picked up my 3mm Radian earlier today and I have just had 2 and a bit hours with it and the 3.5mm Delos on the Moon making notes for the head to head to come. Once apon a time I never went above about X180, just lately I am never below it.


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On the edge of my seat waiting for this one Alan. I just took delivery of the 10 and 5mm Radian in exchange for the 12mm Delos as you know. I am very interested to hear your views. I am sure you will be very pleased with it. The Moon is a great test bed, gives you a real chance to tease out detail.

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I had the 10mm before the Delos and I still have the 5mm and 4mm. The 10mm was very good indeed but I got bitten by the extreme wide field bug and then it came back and bit me again. The 5mm I had out last night too, I was doing Radian Delos in 0.5mm jumps upto 3mm then I got the Powermate out and went to 1.5mm with the 3mm Radian.

It is not something I would recommend people do but it was not as bad I thought it might have been, over X500 with a 115mm refractor, nuts or what. The sky was fantasic last night.


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Philip, R

It does depend on a few things, but I think yours takes the biscuit. To go out and buy something to increase the already high magnification is real adiction. I was at least only using stuff I had, in an excellent scope with excellent seeing.

On a power subject I did whilst taking notes go to a target and give it the beans, with the 3mm, I was amased what I could see. I must stop there or I will steal my own thunder for the report on the 3.5mm Delos and the Radian, I'm in danger of becoming a power junkie.


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