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D.I.Y. Dew Shields


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Hi guys

I was looking at the DewBusters website and the process of making the Dew Bands, looks good & with my awesome new soldering skills i am now wondering whats next?

Anyone had a go at this, are you happy with them etc etc?

Also if you have

he says to use 300 OHM resistors not the 300K/M, the searches i get back tend to be 300R, are these the same as 300?  i was looking at these......


I can integrate these into my new dew shield at both ends and there's the potential for the finderscope & even the telrad :grin: I could soon be in a dew free environment, no more hairdryers  :grin:  :grin:


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To be quite honest, instead of buying the resistors separately it is better to buy them as a pack etc various resistor values over the long run if you are getting more into electronics.

etc http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/E3-Series-480-piece-carbon-film-resistor-kit-74263


I salvage all my parts from broken electrical objects, right down to the components.


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"R" is often used to represent ohms where the omega character is a problem.  So yes,  300R means 300 ohms.  Also, to avoid confusion the decimal point is often replaced by "R" or "K" (kilohms) so 4.7 ohms becomes 4R7 (much clearer) and 4.7 kilohms, 4K7.

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I made all my dew heaters from nichrome wire which is available in various sizes.  It's difficult to get as insulated wire so I use small heat shrink tubing with the wire threaded through (tricky/fun job :D).  This will stand the heat generated in the wire.

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@Lee: My awesome new soldering skills aren't quite that awesome (yet) :grin:  besides i already have an astrozap dew controller with four outputs on it & a  bought strap.

I use one of the channels to power my LED feet on the tripod so that leaves me 3 channels. Initially of the top of my head i'm thinking of integrating a dew band at the top and bottom of the dew shield, one for the finder scope and one for the Telrad which is 4 straps in total hence the channel splitter question.

@Gina: The nichrome wire seems to be measured in SWG rather then AWG, same thing or not?

Cheers Guys

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Cheers, its still standing and does the job although i think i'm out growing it to be honest :grin:

If i used less resistors at a greater distance apart would that pick up the drop in current (or is it the other way around, more resistors closer together)


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the distance between resistors is only for heat dissipation.

You’re testing my ohm’s law, lol

Resistance (ohms) = Volts (v) / current (I)

or V=I x R

or I = V/R

Your voltage is fixed as is the currant you want to draw from your controller.

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