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what is a good brand /model eyepiece around 5mm


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Hey all ,thought I would ask the gurus what eyepiece to buy for my celestron astromaster 70 .It came with a 10 and 20mm which are fine but need 5mm or a barlow to get a good look at some planets! Willing to spend around 100 bucks or so . Thanks to all in advance for your knowledge and advice

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Not sure what outlets you have in Australia.  Difficult to recommend stuff you can buy over here as its prohibitively expensive to ship from the UK to Aus I'd expect.

If you can show a list of outlets there I am happy to browse them and give you some suggestions.

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I'm not sure a 5mm EP will be of much use in your scope for looking at planets. You 10mm EP is practically your max magnification EP for planets observation, 5mm means 200X in your F13 scope, you may only use that for splitting doubles in extremely good seeing.

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An 8mm eyepiece might suit your needs better, and will get more use than the 5mm, the 8mm will give you 112x, a good magnification for planets and great on the Moon too.  The Astro-Tech Paradigm will be a good one if you can get them in Aus, otherwise a TMB Planetary Type II would be good, both giving good wide fields.

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