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Anyone planning on purchasing the new Explore Scientific 5.5mm 100-degree eyepiece?

Apparently it'll be available on the 15th of November, and I read ravaging reviews on this eyepiece and I'm seriously considering taking the plunge next month or so...


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At that focal length I'll probably stick to my 3-6mm Nagler Zoom, you don't really need 100 degrees AFOV at this focal length as you are only really interested in planets at this magnification. That is the same reason I don't see me getting a 3.7mm Ethos anytime soon. 

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At that focal length I'll probably stick to my 3-6mm Nagler Zoom, you don't really need 100 degrees AFOV at this focal length as you are only really interested in planets at this magnification. That is the same reason I don't see me getting a 3.7mm Ethos anytime soon. 

Why not? I enjoy observing planetary nebulae and small globular clusters with the Baader 5mm, and with a wider field view and apparently better optics I think it'll be a better experience.

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At that focal length I'll probably stick to my 3-6mm Nagler Zoom, you don't really need 100 degrees AFOV at this focal length as you are only really interested in planets at this magnification. That is the same reason I don't see me getting a 3.7mm Ethos anytime soon. 

That depends on the speed f your scope. I have used my Nagler 12T4 and even my 10mm XW on planetary nebulae, and on supernovae in various galaxies. The wide field can be handy. In an F/5 scope that would translate to 6 and 5 mm respectively.

Not that the Nagler 3-6mm zoom wouldn't be nice of course (except for the eye relief, for me)

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Why not? I enjoy observing planetary nebulae and small globular clusters with the Baader 5mm, and with a wider field view and apparently better optics I think it'll be a better experience.

Exactly the reason I chose to buy the Ethos 3.7mm.

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Why not? I enjoy observing planetary nebulae and small globular clusters with the Baader 5mm, and with a wider field view and apparently better optics I think it'll be a better experience.

That depends on the speed f your scope. I have used my Nagler 12T4 and even my 10mm XW on planetary nebulae, and on supernovae in various galaxies. The wide field can be handy. In an F/5 scope that would translate to 6 and 5 mm respectively.

Not that the Nagler 3-6mm zoom wouldn't be nice of course (except for the eye relief, for me)

Exactly the reason I chose to buy the Ethos 3.7mm.

I'll get my coat :rolleyes:.

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One word: eye relief. 15mm is great for many, but not enough for me, I find. I will not be getting an Ethos for the same reason.

Emad, besides the eye relief, maybe you need to try on some 100 deg EPs, as John mentioned in some thread, some people may have difficulty in getting used to 100 deg.

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I started with the 68 deg, then 70 deg and 82 deg and it only gets better. I won't know until I have tried it anyway.

It may be cheaper to get to a star party where you can have a look through one of these 100 deg beasts. Buying them and selling again after finding out you do not like them might keep the economy going, but it is an expensive hobby (unless you get a second-hand one)

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It may be cheaper to get to a star party where you can have a look through one of these 100 deg beasts. Buying them and selling again after finding out you do not like them might keep the economy going, but it is an expensive hobby (unless you get a second-hand one)

Unfortunately, Michael, not driving limits where I can go or what I can do in terms of astronomy.

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I think AFOV at high magnfication is purely personal preference like anything else.  I personally tried 82 degrees at high magnfication and didnt get on with it.  I now use a 3-6 zoom with its 50 degree afov and am more than happy. 

Personally I find I am constantly nudging my scope to keep the target central regardless of AFOV at high mags.  On this basis having a wide AFOV isnt much use and in some instances can even be distracting as there may be bright stars in the field of view you'd rather not see.  If you're looking for something very faint then the fewer bright stars in the field the better in my opinion.

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On this basis having a wide AFOV isnt much use and in some instances can even be distracting as there may be bright stars in the field of view you'd rather not see. 

If you're looking for something very faint then the fewer bright stars in the field the better in my opinion.

Interesting and valid points.

I am looking for an eyepiece to use as an 11mm, and Barlowed to 5.5mm.

The short list is:

82o Explore Scientific 11mm - £100 (from USA)

72o TeleVue Delos 11mm - £260

One more vote for the Delos.

And the need to find a pocket full of cash

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LOL Michael!

Although he said in 4 words, I can identify with that. :p

Not spending shed loads on eps. For one the climate here seems to be humidity 100% and secondly I get a lot of pleasure from old used Celestron Ultimas and Vixens without paying Vat,


Refreshing to hear. Only knowing cheap eyepieces I've seen a lot already I get the impression in a short time  to convince  myself there is plenty mileage in what I own to see more :D. A Delos would not be binned of course If I found one on the floor,  but the day I need better is not a must tomorrow. Of course what you haven't seen you don't know, so for me ignorance is a bless , I'd be  curious to look through one to know what I am missing more than anything else.

What's a bit of extra outer field astigmatism and field curvature amongst friends, if the stars sparkle and the contrast is there, already a long way there for most DSOs and planets it will do. The rest is luxury :0)  though it will come no doubt .. at some point.

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