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Televue Ethos SX 3.7mm and Ethos 6mm


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I'm an idiot, I know, but just added these two to the growing collection. I'm thinking this might just about do it for my personal Ethos lineup... I've known myself to think this way before though, so don't put any money on it!

Alan's comments, along with all the glowing talk about the Delos range, made this a pretty difficult decision to make. Whilst grabbing the new EP's, I took a look at a few Delos' and they do look mighty nice. The adjustable eyepiece thingy looks like a real nice touch and, even just looking into the eyepiece without it being on a scope, I could tell that the eye relief was something else! I think... As I say, I'm a complete newbie to nice eyepieces, so my knowledge is certainly nothing to brag about!

I also took a look at a few Naglers, and... Well, let's just say that this eyepiece game is not for the faint hearted. If someone had told me a month or so ago that within a matter of weeks I would have almost spent as much on EP's as I have on telescopes, I would've said they were nuts!! What the hell has just happened?!?!

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Well Joves you know how to spend money! The 3.7mm is one I don't have, as I said I tend to like smaller FOV's at high magnification but if I were to see one then no doubt I would what one. I was hoping you were going to get the 4.7mm and then talk me into getting one.

Many many congratulations on the two fine additions to anyones eyepieces.


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Hi Robin,

It has proven to be quite slippery so far. With so many different options and parameters, from mag to FOV to eye relief to overall size and weight of the EP, it's almost impossible to not be forever looking to the next one.

I should probably consider actually GETTING a toolkit :)

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Yes Alan, I have done so a bit too much of recent times. Will ease up for a bit now though. I can afford it, but if I keep going at the rate I've done, that may change! I have a little bub due in exactly 3 weeks, so I think subconsciously I've been aware that I probably won't be adding too many new things to the kit for awhile once the little one arrives. I think I'm pretty ok for EP's for now. I seem to have a fairly nice range to see me through for at least a while.

Both the 3.7mm and 6mm appear to be very nice, particularly the 6mm. I'm hoping to try them out tonight, so will let you know how I get on with the 3.7mm. If it's as good as I hope it to be, I'll be talking you into the 4.7mm regardless, you do know that! I know you want one but just need a little nudge!! :) one thing I can say so far... It's darn big. Much bigger than the 6mm, probably closer to the size of the 13mm, which surprised me.

As for the FOV, I justified going for the 110 degree high power by telling myself that I have the Nagler 3-6mm zoom for tighter framing of objects where need be. I'll try to do a comparison report between that and both of these newies when I'm next out under reasonable skies.

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Nice additions Joves  :smiley:

I've had the 6mm Ethos for some time now, along with the 8mm and the 13mm. I've yet to try one of the SX's but I've been tempted by the 4.7mm more than once !

Apart from the FoV I don't think I'd gain anything over my Pentax XW's though and the XW's do have a lovely comfortable 20mm of eye relief :smiley:

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Nice additions Joves  :smiley:

I've had the 6mm Ethos for some time now, along with the 8mm and the 13mm. I've yet to try one of the SX's but I've been tempted by the 4.7mm more than once !

Apart from the FoV I don't think I'd gain anything over my Pentax XW's though and the XW's do have a lovely comfortable 20mm of eye relief :smiley:

John, I use the 4.7 Ethos with my NP-101 and  it is wonderful.  It's also very comfortable to use:  so much so that I just bought the 3.7 though the weather is slated to be poor for some time so heaven knows when I'll get to try it out.


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Not as yet, unfortunately, Rick. Weather here has been overcast and rainy. Dying to get out and give it it's first run though. Will definitely report back and let you guys know my thoughts on it once I've had a chance.

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