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Problems with Registax 6

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Hi all

Has anyone had this issue before in Registax (6), where after stacking all you're presented with is a white screen or block?

I'm fine when i align anything less than 500 frames, and the whole thing works. But when trying to work with 1000 frames, it seems to align, then limit, but after stacking i just get a white screen, same if I enter wavelets.

Doesn't matter if I even put a 200 frame limit on it, I still get the white screen :-/

Its really annoying now, I've got a load of Jupiter data from tonight and some old solar bits which are useless as I keep coming across the same issue. I thought it might be my PC performance when i first saw it a few months ago, but I got a new PC today which is more than capable.

If anyone has come across this, i'd love to know how you resolved it! I'll try and take some screenshots tomorrow.. But if you imagine just a white screen where the image should be.. That's basically it!

I might have to give up and go with another program. I'm assuming there's nothing wrong with my capture.. It's just an .avi captured from Sharpcap

Thanks in advance! 

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I had a similar problem recently with Registax 6, though I was trying to stack about 30 full frame DSLR images. It certainly looked like it was running out of RAM (even though there is plenty of system RAM, Registax only seems to use a small proportion of it). I ended up using 5 and it worked better though still wasn't perfect...

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Thanks both. Hmm strange, i can't get around the problem. I've got 6Gb of RAM which i would have thought is more than enough for what its supposed to do.

Anyway, i'm using AS!2 now which is processing the data fine, so it's semi resolved. A shame there is that Registax bug though


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