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Jupiter 30-10-13


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Hi Simon, I did single colour for years. Its certainly easier that's for sure. Im still learning now im sure. And ive been doing it a while now. Your doing good Very sharp details in your images. I suspect your screen is quite dark. mine is quite bright. I can see edge glow on the right side. I get it all the time, its often part and parcel of imaging in the UK . I just darken it away. Not sure if you've tried that ? Excellent detail in those shots. You do seem to get nice fineness to your images. Do you like wavelet one ? It has hallmarks of wavelet one.

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Fantastic images, is that a moon in transit over the red spot in the first one?

Thanks ilove, yes it is but not checked which one!

Very nice images Simon. ..good level of detail. Looking forward to seeing a lot more of your images over the coming months.


Thanks Pete & like wise I think there will be some stunners being posted by the end of the season, lets hope for some clear skys!

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Thanks Neil I must admit I think ive spoilt a few runs in the learning process, :grin:  but that's the way it goes in this game as you well know!

Correct I tend to use wavelet one in just about every process, tried swapping about but keep going back to what seems to work for me!

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Nice captures Simon. Like you I had problems with dew on my eyepieces last night. I don't have dew heaters so not much I can do.

Like the first shot with the moon over the GRS. I was watching Jupiter last night on Night Skies Network and I think they said it was Europa transiting. Not sure if that's right as I haven't checked for sure.

Nice images Simon. :)

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Nice captures Simon. Like you I had problems with dew on my eyepieces last night. I don't have dew heaters so not much I can do.

Like the first shot with the moon over the GRS. I was watching Jupiter last night on Night Skies Network and I think they said it was Europa transiting. Not sure if that's right as I haven't checked for sure.

Nice images Simon. :)

Thanks Michael, never seen so much moisture in the air my rig was wet through, even with the dew control needed the hairdryer for back up lol!

Thanks stuart hope your skys pick up soon!

Also thanks Dror & todd!

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Nice work there as usual Simon. I think that first image has a bit more to give though as it looks like you have a slight RGB misalignment most noticeable on the moon over the GRS. I know from experience though that the moons can be a pain in Winjupos.

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Very nice Simon,

I am hoping to get some images this year with my DMK21 and LRGB filters this year, don't suppose they will be in your league though.


Thanks Robin im sure you will get some nice shots of Jupiter this season, mono imaging is a learning curve but worth the extra effort I think, I bid you clear skys!

Thanks also angie for the info didn't check myself to see which moon!

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