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Televue plossls - how easy are they on the eye ?


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Yes, I thought the same way about the ES Maxvisions...I got the 24mm 68 degree one s/h for not a lot of cash; It's excellent but not quite up to TV standards (my main scope is an F/4 Newtonian). Not quite as sharp at the edge but the eye relief is nice and it's pretty free of scattered light. We all know what you mean by the "little green magnet" effect; maybe a s/h Radian would fit the bill....otherwise you're into Delos/ Panoptic territory.


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Might be worth adding I've got both the 7.4mm and 13mm MK1 TV Plossls and hardly use either. The 7.4mm gives views as sharp as my 8mm Ethos (if not maybe very slightly better) but to get that you have to clean the eye lens regularly; the eye relief is small enough that my eyelashes will get the eye lens dirty and whatever contrast advantage is then immediately lost. The 13mm is much better in this respect; it's perfectly comfortable to use but for the objects its magnification is best suited to ( not planets), the 13mm ethos totally outclasses it. It's nice and light though, good for small portable scopes.


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If eye relief is a serious issue have you considered the Vixen NLV  series? The optics are almost as good as TV (if not as good?), the bodies are a bit plasticky but you do get plenty on nice comfy eye relief.


This is exactly what I ended up doing. I had a 15 mm TV plossl and tried it in a binoviewer. It just wasn't comfortable, so I bought a pair of 15 mm NLVs when I was in the US and they are very comfortable to use. However, they are not cheap in the UK, currently retailing at £115 each.

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I am in no rush to buy and get such extras at a cost

Correct myself. I meant to say I am in no rush, but if it costs  and wait for the extra stuff I am fine with that later down the line.  :smiley:

With regard to the ES, it will not be as perfect by TV standards I am aware. Later down the line I am thinking a least one big televue and a CC for wide angle, but given the price tag  I think that ES is very attractive. While I have not looked through one it gets good enough write ups by most here with lots of experience for me to have little doubt  it will be fine for me for the time being as a low power eyepiece.  The ES 68 28mm would probably replace my low power 25mm BST in the 10 inch Dob most of the time I imagine, while the 25mm BST will still be good for the heritage 130p, since it cannot use 2 inch eyepieces.

All good things come in  time :0) 

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