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Astronomy society near Bicester

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Oxen has Abingdon and Chipping Norton.

No reasonable looking roads to Chipping Norton.

The CN society have a town centre event on Nov 9th, may be worth going over if weather looks decent to have a look.

Bucks has one at Aylesbury, the Wycombe one looks too far away

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Oxen has Abingdon and Chipping Norton.

No reasonable looking roads to Chipping Norton.

The CN society have a town centre event on Nov 9th, may be worth going over if weather looks decent to have a look.

Bucks has one at Aylesbury, the Wycombe one looks too far away

The Abingdon society is reasonably accessible from Bicester and has observing evenings at different locations, some nearer to Bicester, and assists regularly at a number of events in Oxford. 



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Bicester is sort of in the middle of the 3, being North of Oxford Chipping Norton looks closest but I can see that getting there is not overly easy, no simple East/West road from Bicester to the A44.

From memory the West side of Oxford is easier to get round then the East side, which would make Abingdon a reasonable run.

Not sure either of the A41 to Aylesbury, driven the A418 often and it is not really quick, the A41 may be better.

Venera9 can occupy themselves by visiting each. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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