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Creepy night last night..


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I'm not sure whether our house was in the eye of the storm or what...but I think you'll agree that a very tall tree 10 meters away from the house performing extreme bending-overs was alerting enough that I had to keep an eye on it all night.

And just before 3pm...power went off ...1 hour later there was a break in the clouds..and man, those stars looked incredibly vivid - even with the waning moon out.

It's incredible the sense of peace and tranquility darkness can give you, and also amazing the horrendous effect those artificial night lights have on our perception and senses. Despite the howling storm, there was quietness in the atmosphere, there was ...well...peace.

It's ironic how we forget what real darkness feels or looks like. For the majority of us - even those living in relatively small towns like myself - we rarely experience real nights, we never get to stare into a horizon unobstructed by a nearby streetlight. It was two hours of contemplation until...boom!! All back to normal...random photons of street lights going in all directions. I don't particularly live in a noticeably light polluted area - in fact it's good enough that I can easily spot the Milky Way over head on most clear nights - but last night with no lights around the views got enhanced two folds at least. It's a shame most people out there are not even aware of the beauty of the night sky.

And, yes, turns out the tree was flexible enough that it  took gusts up to 80 miles per hour.

Tonight it's a vividly clear night. But since the storm blew away my light obstructing sheets and filled the patio with little twigs and leaves I'll have to give it a miss for the night. Tomorrow looks promising though.

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It almost makes me want to sabotage the power supplies to the street lights :smiley:

As for the storm in Northants :shocked:  "a let down to say the least" I have coughed harder than the winds we got :grin:

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