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Where were you during the Apollo 11 Moon landing?


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It was my sister's 10th birthday. My parents must have got her up from bed for it. Not me, anyway, I can't remember any of it. Except I was telling people that I wanted to become a rocket engineer's apprentice when I grew up. I wanted to be a pilot before that but then I saw some film of the Pacific War with all them planes falling off carriers...

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Oh man!, I remember it so well. I was glued to the tv from the time JFK made the commitment to send men to the moon.

I always dreamed and longed for the day I would see a human being go to another planet. I even prayed that I would live to see that day, promising everything good so I would not miss it. When Apollo 11 was en route to the moon, I was on holiday with the wife and two kids.

Fortunately we were not far from home at a small seaside town called Silloth on the Solway Coast of Cumbria. On the day of the landing, I got a pass from the good lady and I returned home to watch the nail biting event right down to the surface. I was petrified in case something might go wrong. Of course everything went well, and I was so full of joy that it had finally happened, I had no one to share the experience with, as it was so late. I just got into the car and drove back to the little wooden bungalow to the wife and kids.

I was like a dog with two tails. It is an experience I will never forget, I loved every minute of it.


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I was certainly "around" at the time - Memory begins to fail! For one of the earlier landing repeats(?), I do remember walking out of the school gates, during class time, to watch it at a mate's house. Unfortunately we got caught by the headmaster... :)

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I was 15 at trhe time, I was going fishing with my uncle the next morning so I was staying overnight at my Grans house. We watched the grainy black and white pictures with an incredible feeling of excitement as the "tinfoil" Eagle touched down and the guys exited onto the lunar surface. Stayed up all night and fell asleep on the pier for most of the next day. Didn't catch a thing.

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Watching it on TV, I was 28yrs old just about right to make the trip, but I didnt get the call,it would have been nice to say"The Eagle has arrived old man, made good time really not much traffic,we are about to have a cuppa"

Cheers Frank

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I remember it well, I'd just started secondry school and only one guy in the whole class had colour TV (rich [removed word]) so we all went round to his only to discover the broadcast was in black & white :shock: :)

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This may well be my very first memory given that I was only 3.

Trouble is, its so vague I don't whether its a real memory or something I constructed

later. maybe its a later landing I'm recalling.

Were they in the early hours too? (from the uk that is)

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I recall this as one of my earliest memories (I was 4). However, I think I must have seen it on the news next day as it was in the early hours, UK time (according to my Father - now 82!!!!)

Bill £

PS - Does anybody reckon we will see manned mission to other planets, i.e Mars, in our life time or is it something my Son will have to look forward to??

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I remember it well, I'd just started secondry school and only one guy in the whole class had colour TV (rich [removed word]) so we all went round to his only to discover the broadcast was in black & white :shock: :)

My memories are similar to upgrader's. I was 8 years old and had a rich pal with a colour TV (they were quite rare in those days) and I went to watch it there only to find it all in grainy B/W. I did see the takeoff and splashdown at this pal's house as well (we were good chums, Marcus Witt and I, wonder where he is now?) and they were in colour. It shouldn't be long before we get to see it all again, isn't this what Bush has promised?

Cheers, Martin

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Still happy to take the call! :) :)

Cheers Frank (Potential Geriastroic)

You and me both, Frank, you and me both.

It shouldn't be long before we get to see it all again, isn't this what Bush has promised?

Well, he also promised to "change the tone in Washington". Among other things.

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