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New ASI120MC, with questions...


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Just taken delivery of a new asi120mc today, very exciting though due to a hopefully impending house move it will probably be a few weeks before first light. But a couple of questions to help me when I do...

Firstly, Is there any form of filter that fits on the eyepiece adapter to prevent any dust getting inside it? There isn't a screw thread on the adapter. Has anyone fitted a filter to it, or changed the adapter to one that does accept filters?

Secondly, (and to save me some time when I do get out, as it's such a long time since I was imaging) could someone remind me of suitable gain / gamma / exposure settings - I have a 10 inch goto dob and will probably start off on Jupiter, using sharp cap.

Gain low, gamma somewhere in the middle, exposure as quick as possible to get a bright enough image ???

Thanks all

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You can put the IR/UV cut filter on the nosepiece. ASI does have optical windows - http://www.zwoptical.com/eng/Cameras/ASI120/index.asp - but not in default set (the inner thread is C/CS). You can also try FireCapture - has good ASI support- but both should work.

For settings - that all depend on f-ratio and the object. Gamma stays at default. Exposure as low as possible but for average planet like Jupiter somewhere between 10 an 20 ms. If its still bright lower gain.

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Thanks, you're right, the nosepiece is threaded inside, so I've put an ir cut filter on it....not sure why I missed that :-)

I'll try those setting next time I'm out and no doubt will share the results here. Fingers crossed.

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