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Just noticed last night.


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At the end of last nights great session of observing and sketching using the 120ed I thought I'd have a quick look at the moon. First I popped in the Baader zoom with the 2.25 Barlow and zoomed in from 24mm to 8mm which gave me a magnification of 253. I was absolutley gob smacked, I couldn't believe how clear, crisp and sharp the image was. viewing along the terminator was even better, the mountains just seemed to rise into space. The detail was amazing.

Next I popped in the 5mm BST to see how this compared with the Baader, to my surprise I could not achieve focus on the moon, there was not enough inward travel ( using 2" diagonal) although I had used this eyepiece earlier to observe some double stars without any focus problems.

I then popped in the Skywatcher SWA 70* 3.5mm, again could not focus even though I had used it to view some doubles earlier.

I was about to try using the 1.25" diagonal with these eyepieces when the clouds rolled in and ended the session. That will have to wait for another clear moonlit session.

Has anybody else experienced this?


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As an ED120 owner I'm surprised to hear this as I've used lots of different eyepieces in it and they have all come to focus just fine.

The difference between being in focus on a star and on the moon would only be a couple of mm so if you do one you should certainly be able to do the other, I'd have thought. If anything the moon would require a fraction of outwards focuser travel, rathern than inwards, as it's closer than the stars.

Puzzling ???

Edit: I've just noticed that you mention you used the 2.25x barlow with the zoom - were you using it with the 5mm and 3.5mm eyepieces too ?

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