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IC 1396 processing help

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After a few days and about 10 hours of capturing data i am trying to process for the first time at the hubble palette. From the few tutorials i found ( http://bf-astro.com/hubbleP.htm
) on NB processing i can't get rid of the green hue that the Ha has and get the colors right. I would like advice and help on the processing

The image


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Your issue here is the red channel, it is out of whack with blue & green. Bring back your blue & green to balance using the histogram to view the peaks, you want to get them to peak in the same place. You can then also give the data another overall dose of stretching to bring out the signal - there is lots more data there than you are showing.

Finally a dose of Pixinsights SCNR green or Asta La Vista green in Photoshop will deal with the tinge of green.

You have some good data there, well worth the effort!

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I had a quick play in Pixinsight, the elephant trunk doesn't really lend itself to the dazzling gold and blue hues that you see in some images, it always seems to come out looking a more mustard and deeper blue, nothing to do with your data just the nature of the object!!


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