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My 1st attempts at Astrophotography

Alien 13

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Im a relative newbie havent got my head around stacking and processing yet so all my attempts have been single shot jpegs.

The equipment im using apart from camera lenses is SW EQ3-2, WO ZS71 with flattener. last night was my 1st go at polar alignment thankfully with a home made polarscope illuminator and a right angled camera viewfinder off e-bay that was held against the polarscope.

I am pleased with the attempt at M31 and i guess the EQ3-2 alignment wasnt far off the picture was 25 seconds at ISO 1600.

I have also taken a few moon shots again with the WO ZS71 single frame jpeg but i have now discovered backyard EOS so will give that a go soon.



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You're off to a great start, well done!

Looks like you got that EQ3-2 really well aligned. I also began imaging with that mount and 30-40 seconds seemed to be the limit for me when not guiding.


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