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31mm Nagler First Light :-)


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I've just come inside for a quick coffee, its a bit nippy out there.

At long last I am having my first light with the Terminagler and I must voice how pleasing it is.

I am amazed at the variety of colours in Orion's Nebula (M42), considering how close the moon is and how low down the nebula is in the night sky this is very good news  :grin: Even the individual centre stars are pinpoint clear.

The closer to the zenith I go the better it gets, the Double Luster (cluster) is absolutely cracking in this eyepiece and scope, a marriage made in heaven I think.

I do have a bigger scope than last year so I will attribute some of the improvement to the extra 3.25 of aperture. However,  I am convinced the eyepiece is playing the major role.

Well the coffee has been drunk and I am not going to stay inside and miss this rare opportunity of not having to work in the morning :smiley:

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Time for another coffee :smiley:

It has been a long wait Jonathan, way too long :smiley:

I am also quite impressed with the "Dewnot heater band", I've not had the slightest trace on the corrector plate all night  :shocked:

I wonder if I can stay awake and try to see ISON :grin:

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Congrats Shaun,another awesome eyepiece in your collection!Great first light,I bet M42 will be absolutely stunning with the C 9.25 in the coming weeks!

Thank you Gerry,

Yes we are not too far away from the crystal clear freezing cold nights :smiley:

Jupiter looks awesome with the 9.25 plenty of detail on the bands and all 4 moons in a row, I used the 14mm Delos for tonight's seeing giving 167x magnification :smiley:

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Congrats Shaun. The 31mm Nagler looks an absolutely cracking eyepiece! I'm sure you'll have many a splendid night looking through that bad boy!!

Thank you Jove's :smiley:

It certainly fits a lot of stars in the FOV, I am very pleased with its performance indeed :evil:

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Nice one Shaun, a bit close to my 28 nirvana or I would. Get one might get a delos this weekend or a Pentax xw still undecided any thoughts?

sent from my Sony Xperia

Cheers faulksy,

Well as you know I love the Delos so any suggestion by me would be a little biased toward them, by what I have read in here Pentax or TV ? either way your in for a treat :smiley: I guess the Nirvana is too close to be spending more cash for that range of eyepiece.

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Congratulations Shaun, I'm sure it'll be in your focuser more often than you've been able to do so far :smiley:

Thank you and I sincerely hope so, I ended up having a great nights viewing :smiley:

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Congrats on a successful first light Shaun!

Cheers Dama, It has been like waiting for a kettle to boil, only a 4 week kettle :shocked:  Superb eyepiece though and well worth the wait :smiley:

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Any balance problems (labouring mount/drive) etc.?

(* I ask only as I'm concious of the load on my NEQ6 over time. Seriously considering a counterweight of some sort.)

Albert I have a AZ fork mount so balance is not so much of a problem for me, the CPC's are an extremely robust scope.

I used to attach a weight but I found this affected the GoTo accuracy of the scope, hence I stopped using it.

I have checked with a few people who own CPC's as I was concerned about the stresses on the motor and gears and how they might be affected by excess weight, no one seemed over concerned, some have even used heavy bino viewers, heavy focusers with heavy eyepieces for years and have experienced no issues. :smiley:

It would be good practice for to you start a new thread and ask about counterweights as I know balance is very important.

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I am very pleased you like the new 31mm Nagler, it has been a very long time waiting for the weather to clear a little.  Still lets hope the dam clouds will stay away for a while, it annoys me when it is cloudy and I get more than my fair share of fine weather.

What's next down the Televue road to an empty pocket then?


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I am very pleased you like the new 31mm Nagler, it has been a very long time waiting for the weather to clear a little.  Still lets hope the dam clouds will stay away for a while, it annoys me when it is cloudy and I get more than my fair share of fine weather.

What's next down the Televue road to an empty pocket then?


Thank you Alan

I am not quite sure at this time TBH :smiley:

I have 3,4,5,6, 8,10,12,14, 17.3 & 31mm :evil: all TV

Its a tricky one because I have all the sizes I need and I don't need anything betwixt the 17.3 and the 31mm.

My Next purchase will be the Celestron Starsense camera so I can be ultra lazy, thus letting it do the alignment process for me.  Its a pity it isn't voice activated then I wouldn't have to labour myself by pressing them heavy buttons :grin:

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I don't think you need another eyepiece at all Shaun. If I had your setup I'd have started looking at adding a further scope or two a little while back to broaden the capabilities of your eyepieces.

Your SCT really does not fully demonstrate what the eyepieces can do to be honest.

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