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Astro Rig Down !!! Sympathy Required

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when i bought my QHY8L there was a very slight tilt on the CCD sensor, no biggie it came with a tilt ring and i never had any issues with it so all was good.

Over the last 48hours though the sensor went for a wander to the point where it was so bad that only one half of the sensor could be focused on at anyone point, the camera still works but the X-Axis is on a see-saw. Thankfully its still in warrenty and Bernard at Modern Astronomy has been fantasticly helpful and he is now sending it off for re-collomation.

Of course now that my camera is away i'm sure you'll all be looking forward to the clear skies i'll miss..... :embarassed:

To make matters when i bought my Hyperstar i wound it on as per the instructions and it turned out that the secondary mirror holder was rotating in the correcter plate, no good. With no camera for the next 3 weeks i figured i may as well send the scope of to be serviced, that'll cost, i'm waiting on a quote from widescreen centre on that.

This all on top of the week where i have been struck down with Turbo Man Flu & my car caught fire on the way home last wednesday & the Mickey Flannegn tickets i had for Thursday night in an effort to cheer myself up have just been postponed till december due to the death of his Mum (not a complaint - RIP). The point is i'm Irish but it appears that my 'Luck of the....' seems to be on a fortnights holiday. I think i'll stay in this weekend.

Could the whole forum now please proceed with the "sorry to hear that", "Chin up" etc etc....

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It could always be worse. though after that tale of woes it seems the astro gods really have it in for you ;)

On the bright side, the camera was still in warranty and Bern's a top man for getting these things sorted out - any word on how long the QHY service/repair will take?

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It could always be worse. though after that tale of woes it seems the astro gods really have it in for you ;)

On the bright side, the camera was still in warranty and Bern's a top man for getting these things sorted out - any word on how long the QHY service/repair will take?

3 weeks(ish) i went through it with Bernard, mechanically its fine apparently since i bought my camera QHY now use a Laser alignment method to level and collomate the CCD's so it may come back better then when i bought it.

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