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Better to look a fool than be a fool I always say.


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I will probably sound stupid for asking this but hey, that's why we're here.

If I put a focal extender in my f/5 to make it f/7.5 or even f/10, would that

make it more forgiving when using cheaper eps for visual???


From thickboy (aka me)

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I presume you mean a barlow? if so then yes it probably will have that effect. that said, this will not enhance the contrast or sharpness of the cheaper eyepieces in comparison with more expensive options. it will just get around some of the issues like chromatic aberration, astigmatism etc.

you really don't have to spend masses on eyepieces. £50 or so will buy you a great quality used ortho or plossl which will be every bit as good (for the same field) as the more expensive wide field eyepieces.

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