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Help with EZPlanetary settings for lunar capturing with QHY5L-II mono please :)

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First night where i use the 5L mono for anythng else but guiding, but i can't understand it all, lol.

I finally understood got it up and running, but what settings should i use?

I currently have 1% gain and 4ms exposure, wich fills up the yellow part on teh histogram half way - and it looks ok.

But what's the green yellow and red on the histogram? if it's all on green it looks underexposed, but i don't know if that's still the best, and that i might start clipping the brigstest stuff otherwise?

Also, i'm using and IR-pass filter.

14-bit or not (does it make any real difference? and if so, when?), and high speed USB readout or not (didn't seem to be any difference on quality)?

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Here's how it looks with my current settings. 1000frames video stacked, unprocessed. didn't use 14 bit for this.

Is exposure looking good? Would 14 bit help any?

Would i get any more details with a 2x barlow, or is this pretty much as sharp as it gets anyway?


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Well, clouds have rolled in an will stay for a week, but i found out a bit about the settings at least. :)

Felt i could never really get it sharp though. Tried on jupiter as well, but no difference. Tried high FPS and gain also, but not much difference.

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Thanks. I found out that the exposure was pretty much correct. I could have had it a bit brighter, but not much before it started clipping. I shuold have had shorter exposure and higher gain though, as the seeing was simply too poor.

The pic abow was without any modifications. After a round in PS it was a whole lot better of course. :)

I did try with a barlow, and it gave a little more details. Not huge difference though, but i'm suspecting it's a combination of very poor seeing that nigth, combines with the very low quality of the cheap 2x skywatcher barlow.

I've come to teh conclusion of simply dropping EZP though, and try to get used to using only firecapture instead. EZP is simpy way too unstable...

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