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I am new, i am learning, I will make mistakes but............I will be back. So much to learn and so much good info in one place. Can't think of a way to improve this site, everything is easy to find, easy to understand (well most of it) :icon_salut:

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Hi, I'm Ian, just joined the forum, I used to spend hours in the garden when I was a kid, with a cheap refractor, but I would always be filled with a sense of wonder when I looked out at the universe. Hopefully, I'll be investing in a telescope shortly, I've got my eye on the Heritage Flex tube 130p, (I think its called that!) Fits the budget and space available, so I expect I'll be on here begging advice soon! I've gained a lot from what I've read here so far, I look forward to learning more! Cheers guys

Edited by dogmax
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Hi I have been on this site for A short time, it has provided a great source of information about this hobby I wish to take up, the only things I would like to add or change are:

I would like to add a thumbs up/down voting system on each post because lts if people have an opinion on threads like in my example which type of scope should I go for? Its just that you would be able to distinguish a popular post from maybe a not so popular post and feel safe in the knowledge of numbers voting that particular post.

Also I would like an easier system to see the threads that I have posted on, maybe a messaging system that says new posts have been added to so and so thread so that I can keep track on conversations that I have joined and left for a while.

Over all great website and forum and will be using it a lot.

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Hi I have been on this site for A short time, it has provided a great source of information about this hobby I wish to take up, the only things I would like to add or change are:

I would like to add a thumbs up/down voting system on each post because lts if people have an opinion on threads like in my example which type of scope should I go for? Its just that you would be able to distinguish a popular post from maybe a not so popular post and feel safe in the knowledge of numbers voting that particular post.

Also I would like an easier system to see the threads that I have posted on, maybe a messaging system that says new posts have been added to so and so thread so that I can keep track on conversations that I have joined and left for a while.

Over all great website and forum and will be using it a lot.

Glad you like it here :)

On the notification of threads you've posted in, if you click on control panel it will by default give you a list of new posts in those threads. If you want to get email notification of posts in those, or any other thread that you 'subscribe' to then go to the 'Settings and Options' bit in the left hand menu and choose 'Edit options'. Half way down there's a heading Default Thread Subscription Mode and a tick box for getting email notifications.



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Joined SGL this year and thank the organizers as well as the members. It has been a thoroughly informative and enjoyable experience. It certainly enhanced my world of astronomy. Much appreciation for all those posts I read over the year and look forward learning more and contributing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all i can say so far is how welcoming people are on this forum.i hae in the past frequented quite a few car forums and a few climbing forums and tbh,most people on those are either rude,not very helpful or just troll for arguments.definately a welcomed change to have a nice place to seek help:)

will comment further as i get through more of the sites features

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far learning everytime I come on this forum - very friendly and informed people with a mix of complete Newbs like myself but the more informed helping others has also been a great resource. Funny, Friendly and hugely informative- can't recommend more highly really.

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I recently joined SGL and have found it very informative, the other members are more than helpful in solving problems, giving recommendations and advice.

My only recommendation for the forum is as seen on some other forums there is an 'active topic' link which takes you to the threads that everyone is talking about.

Thanks, Nick.

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I joined not so long ago and have to admit i am addicted to this site spending time at work and home reading. The questions get answered very quickly and everyone is so friendly. I've read so much that even i have managed to answer a few questions from the information i have picked up here. Great site and brilliant people. Keep it up.

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Having experienced a lot of negative stuff towards newbies from other (unrelated) forums, I have tried to minimise my first foray to only 3 questions and aim not to post again until I have done some more reasearch (both on here and further afield).

Posts read and mine responded to have been very informative and helpful and no hint of annoyance of me asking a question that may have already been answered to a hundred other newbs.

If I were to suggest something ( and heck it may already be out there ...) why not set up a forum for the 'modern' folk (lazy!) who like me would like to see easy answers to hooking up a webcam and hooking up a camcorder - or maybe the answer isn't so easy? I shall find out!

So far, my experience has been great and I thank EVERYONE here for that :D That leaves me to only to apologise for ........ my ignorance.


Edited by Dormouse
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Hi Daz, I have only been a member for a few days and dont even have a telescope yet but the information I have read here has been fantastic. for instance I posted a question about a mount yesterday and within two hours there were 3 very helpful replies, I would like to see the buy/sell section running again though as I need a second hand telescope!!


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All i can say is this site is awesome and with well mannered and halpful peeps makes it a delight to visit everyday and read whats going. My last experience at a local astro club meet was not a good one. This site gave me faith in the freindly people that are astronomers. Keep up the good work.

Can I ask why the astro club meeting wasn't any good? Thinking of going along to one this month

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Could I be cheeky and suggest a smaller post count before newcomers are taken off the moderation list? :D

It's only 10 :clouds1: and even then you have to post something that the software doesn't like (like multiple link for example).

Once you get to ten the software (should) stop checking - thats where the members/mods come in reporting anything that looks a lot like spam.



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Hi All, not been a member long, but loving the forum. Everyone is so helpful, and I have learn't so much from just browsing the threads. My boyfriend and son are not so happy tho, because i spend so much time on here and they never get to use the laptop :)

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Hi all

I'm a total noob and finding the beginners section an absolute god send.. Brii and any questions are answered by really nice friendly people.... To improve I would sagest that the management team meets in my local pub on a fortnightly basis to discuss basic equipment and ideas..... ( not sure if this is possible but thought I'd ask....) thanks for the warm welcome :)


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Having only joined today, I have to say I am well impressed by both the number of helpful and knowlegable replies and also the sense of humour that people have demonstrated. There can always be a concern for "newbies" to feel that they are out of their depth as everyone uses insider jargon but that is not the case on this site, there is a clear enthusiasm for astronomy that is infectious.:)

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If It broke don't fix it.

I guess there is always room for improvement as they say but it strikes me from all the positive comments on this thread that the forum works pretty well for new and old members. Well done one and all.

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I'm ashamed to have to admit it, but I didn't know anything about astronomy, until I saw Stargazing with Brian Cox, OK I new where Polarise was, but that was all. I have spent many nights beach fishing and looking up at the stars, but had no interest other than that, I came on this forum and I didn't really know what to expect from other members, but having a look at the beginners section and seeing all the replies from “hardened astronomers” I was well pleased.

I sat down and over a period of 5 days I have read most if not all the whole site and now have a little more knowledge of telescopes, mounts and eyepieces and more to the point what I can get for my money and of course what to buy.

So a big well done to everybody as a good forum is only as good as it's members.

Edited by starnut
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Hi, this is my first post of any kind so help is needed. I want to buy my first telescope and interested in the William Optics Megrez 72 Doublet APO DDG Telescope. Opinions would be appreciated please. What type of tripod do I need I would like advise as I am interested in taking photos and tracking stars.

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