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Fantasy Shopping List

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Assuming only "off-shelf" hardware... let's say hardware that can be purchased by anyone online, what would your astrophotography shopping list look like with an unlimited budget? There seems a consensus on the basic kit needed to start AP, but I tend to understand things better once I understand both sides of the spectrum.... what's needed vs what's desired.

- Nate

Birmingham, AL

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I'm not into imaging,so my shopping list would be empty. I'm pretty sure my observing shopping list would be empty too. I'm happy with everything i have and cant really think of anything else i need/want.

I suppose if budget wasnt an issue, i might quite like owning something like the LBT.


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Speed is of the essence so I'd have six Takahashi FSQ astrographs (because they work) on a large 10 Micron mount (because they work, and unguided at that focal length) and six large format CCD cameras each doing one of L, Ha, O111, R,G,B.  This would be such an economical setup because, of course, there would be no need for the huge expense of a filterwheel...  :grin:

I'd also have an IT gopher who did all the mechanical stuff and just gave me perfectly calibrated stacks to play with. (My job as things stand!)

More seriously, multi scope rigs have a lot going for them over ultra fast  single rigs because what the makers of ultra fast optics don't tell you is that ultra fast optics are ultra slow to get into working order... if you ever succeed at all, which many don't.


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Think i would start with an obsy. Maybe one of those SkyShed PODs! A Paramount for the mount, TAK 85, TEC 140, Orion Optics AG12, a big dob for visual, a nice solar scope - maybe a solar max 90 or a daystar filter, best CCDs available, dedicated computer, a few lens for widefield, and all the other little bits in-between that i've left out :)

Man i'm greedy!

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+1 for Ollys idea. Maybe not the exact same set up but something similar with multiple scopes for wide field work. But I would add a couple scopes to the list to do a full narrowband setup as well. That way even if the moon is out on a clear night I can still image.

I would also get ASA new massive pier mount. I forget the name but its pretty awesome looking and the fact it can throw around (2) 1m RCs  like a 10 Micron throws around the Tak FQS85. But instead I would look into as long of a FL scope as I could get. (one to image with though so would be at least f/6ish) But one thats no shorter than 5m in FL! Would love to find all the small galaxies that no one has imaged yet...in detail anyways.

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I'd start with a nice new house in the Canadian rockies, nice big place with one of those american sized garages full of work shoppy stuff.  Then a obs out back, with a nice solid mount, those paramount jobs look nice in the red. Then a nice scope, nothing to fast as I can't set anything up to save my life so why would a fast scope be any different.  Then plonk and nice CCD on the back with a matched set of filters and an OAG.

Oh, also a nice comfy garden chair and a decent sleeping bag.  I wouldn't be going inside, -35 is where it's at (who needs TEC coolng.....)

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+1 for Ollys idea. Maybe not the exact same set up but something similar with multiple scopes for wide field work. But I would add a couple scopes to the list to do a full narrowband setup as well. That way even if the moon is out on a clear night I can still image.

I would also get ASA new massive pier mount. I forget the name but its pretty awesome looking and the fact it can throw around (2) 1m RCs  like a 10 Micron throws around the Tak FQS85. But instead I would look into as long of a FL scope as I could get. (one to image with though so would be at least f/6ish) But one thats no shorter than 5m in FL! Would love to find all the small galaxies that no one has imaged yet...in detail anyways.

I know quite a few ASA users (and victims) and wouldn't want to become one of them myself... Marvellous when they work but don't hold your breath.


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I know quite a few ASA users (and victims) and wouldn't want to become one of them myself... Marvellous when they work but don't hold your breath.


Really?! I haven't heard that. Guess I'll have to do some investigating. They look really nice at least.

Then I'll have to commision a research grade mount thats similar. I can order those online so it counts right? :grin:

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