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P.D camera and planets.


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I bought this camera for seeing faint fuzzes but I know other cams can give good views of the planets so thought I would set up for Jupiter last night, actually the first time this season I'v had a look at it  :smiley:

Used the 10" at 1600mm f 6.3, the seeing was awful last night with a strong jet stream and ground wind

and the sky was hazy here but managed to get something. 


This was a 1/100 sec and a contrast/ ir filter, just a straight screen shot no adjustments. On a better night I could increase the focal length quite a bit and still work at 1/50 sec. Looks very promising :smiley:    

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It does indeed look promising !! - I think I can just make out Jupiter's bands.

Have you tried the PD on the ED80 - and if so on which mount??

I have just purchased a PD and I am interested in following up this new interest I have found!!

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It does indeed look promising !! - I think I can just make out Jupiter's bands.

Have you tried the PD on the ED80 - and if so on which mount??

I have just purchased a PD and I am interested in following up this new interest I have found!!

I tried the ED80 for the first time last night, had it piggy backed on the 10". I wanted to see if it would work with a .5 focal reducer, which it does. Had a quick look at Jupiter with it and then switched camera into the main scope. My 80ED is a Revelation and is f 6,8 550mm fl so with a .5 reducer is 275mm f3.4 which I hope will work with some of the bigger galaxies.

Nice Jupiter shot Johnno, my shot is off with the focusing,  the seeing was so poor I struggled to see any detail on Jupiter, most of the time it was any shape but round  :confused:  :smiley:        

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update. Had another go at Jupiter last night with the c11 and seeing conditions were much better than my previous attempt 7/10. Here are 2 shots, one at f10 showing Io appearing from the limb and an f20 shot from latter in the night. Both single frames.



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Thanks Davy, yes I am pleased with the versatility of this cam. I doubt if I will use it to much on planets as its chasing faint fuzzes I really bought it for but it's nice to know it will work when required  :smiley:  I was at a star party arranged by a group of friends last weekend and took the camera with me. It was too cloudy/foggy to use on faint targets so looked at the moon and Jupiter, the seeing was steadier than last night and I had a group of folk standing around the TV with their mouths open. One chap went home and ordered a PD Monday morning :smiley:    

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Just a quick update. Had another go at Jupiter last night with the c11 and seeing conditions were much better than my previous attempt 7/10. Here are 2 shots, one at f10 showing Io appearing from the limb and an f20 shot from latter in the night. Both single frames.



I like these Laurie,  I've not had a go at Jupiter yet as my view is Southwest to Northeast so for me it's a late one right now.  Won't be long though wahooo..

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I like these Laurie,  I've not had a go at Jupiter yet as my view is Southwest to Northeast so for me it's a late one right now.  Won't be long though wahooo..

Jupiter is still getting bigger, it will be at its best early January so, no rush. :smiley:  Then there's Mars in April  :grin:    

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Just a quick update. Had another go at Jupiter last night with the c11 and seeing conditions were much better than my previous attempt 7/10. Here are 2 shots, one at f10 showing Io appearing from the limb and an f20 shot from latter in the night. Both single frames.



now we're talking , lot more definition, the second one is a cracker :icon_salut:

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Look great for single frames. Registax will get them looking absolutely brilliant.

This is a shot I got of Saturn with 4 sec integration on an Orion Starshoot Deep Space Video Cam 2 (which isn't as good as the PD, I don't believe) and then run through Registax. The final image astounded me compared with the actual video footage.


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Thanks Ken.

I really have no idea when it comes to post processing, and don't have a whole heap of interest in doing it, but Registax is just so darn easy and a must if you want to get finer detail out of planets.

Well, for not knowing what you are doing you have done extremely well  :grin:

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