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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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That's not a bad read Sammy nicely done! Will have to pick a copy or two up today.

Not sure on the heart nebula Mark, never been to the dark skies of Norfolk.

I would have thought kielder was darker Paul. Can you see it from ur house ?

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Yes Chris. But I'm not sure you can see it without filters or not

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Yes, right, well I've looked it up on the net, and I've found a page that says the red nebula is only reserved for astro photographers, as its only visible on long exposures. This was taken from the book ' viewing the constellations with bolinoculars'

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I would have thought kielder was darker Paul. Can you see it from ur house ?

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Heres the link mark, I read it on page 240.      https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=3vxLNPNHOcwC&pg=PA240&lpg=PA240&dq=ic+1805+binoculars&source=bl&ots=sVIVNmGGVt&sig=0RiA9V3NVD9Gep1KGhuBfFNGir8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi-z9Xz9cHJAhVI7hoKHUNQBoAQ6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=ic%201805%20binoculars&f=false

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Great report there Soupy - well done!

You lot have been very chatty this morning - know how it feels when Ursula goes off one one now hehe.

Quite pleased with this shot of Jupiter and The Moon I took this morning around 6.30am.

You can even make out 2 of Jupiter's moons :)

I will let you know shortly if I managed to capture all 3 planets along with the Moon in amy of my images.


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Great report there Soupy - well done!

You lot have been very chatty this morning - know how it feels when Ursula goes off one one now hehe.

Quite pleased with this shot of Jupiter and The Moon I took this morning around 6.30am.

You can even make out 2 of Jupiter's moons :)

I will let you know shortly if I managed to capture all 3 planets along with the Moon in amy of my images.

attachicon.gifJupiter & The Moon 04.12.2015.jpg

Nice image Vicky I'm glad you remembered its Jupiter and not Venus [emoji6]. Venus was very bright this Norman's looked full disc in my binoculars

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Thanks chaps - thought about sensoring the Moon image for Damian before posting - don't want to damage his sensitive eyes hehe :)

Thought I'd share this image to show how different exposures and ISO settings can really make a huge difference on the resulting image.

This one is 75mm-300mm lens at 170mm - 1/15 second exposure at ISO100.

None of Jupiters moons are now visible and you can see more detail in the moon.

Taken just a couple of minutes before the previous image as I was only outside for 10 minutes in total :)


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Not bad image Vicky (apart from the moon!)

Lots of effort over the last few days and finally my grab and go scope is ready for first light!


Fingers crossed we get some clear skies soon for you Damian - you'll be chomping at the bit to get out with it.

It's gonna be fandabbydozy! :)

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Sorry to bore you, but you zoom in you can see 3 of the moons on this one - I believe them to be (left to right) Callisto, Io and Europa.

After consulting the Jupiter Moon locator for 7.02am GMT this morning, it seems Ganymede was just exiting occultaion, so would have been too close to Jupiter to resolve with a camera. Quite pleased with that bit of investigation :)


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In fact, zoomed in you can just make out Ganymede emerging after it's occultation :)

Data from memory card - image created ‎04 ‎December ‎2015, ‏‎07:02:34

Data taken from Jupiter Moon locater - Fri Dec 04 2015 07:02:34 GMT

Exact match.

That's it, gonna stop now.


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Lots of research Vicky and thanks for sharing your findings.

Amazing how much you can glean from just five minutes of Astronomy.

Weather is again looking very poor, so it looks like it's a few beers with the boys


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Can't wait for the big scopes first light Damian, bet your cursing all this cloud!

Excellent images Vicky. Amazing as Damian says, especially in only 10mins.

Picked up two copies of wakie express, it reads well, pleased as punch! :)

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Lots of research Vicky and thanks for sharing your findings.

Amazing how much you can glean from just five minutes of Astronomy.

Weather is again looking very poor, so it looks like it's a few beers with the boys


Just checked the times from the details on my images this morning.

Was a bit later starting than I originally thought.

Did 12 images in total - 1st image was taken at 07.01.38 and 12th was at 07.06.22 - literally under 5 minutes of astronomy and imaging :)

Weather is indeed grotty again tonight, and the wind is really gusty, think a few beers sounds like a great idea!

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Can't wait for the big scopes first light Damian, bet your cursing all this cloud!

Excellent images Vicky. Amazing as Damian says, especially in only 10mins.

Picked up two copies of wakie express, it reads well, pleased as punch! :)

Going on the past two months weather it will be a long while before it gets any use!

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Can't wait for the big scopes first light Damian, bet your cursing all this cloud!

Excellent images Vicky. Amazing as Damian says, especially in only 10mins.

Picked up two copies of wakie express, it reads well, pleased as punch! :)

Going on the past two months weather it will be a long while before it gets any use!

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