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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Is it cloudy again out there tonight, I've had a day off work today to go to another family funeral, and would t have minded just a bit of star gazing in the back garden tonight.

Sorry to hear about the funeral Chris.

It's looking really clear over Horbury, although that moon is going to be as bright as a searchlight!

Not sure what my plans are for tonight yet, but I might try to do a bit of back yard viewing later. See if it stops clear, and also how much that moon washes out the sky. Otherwise, I might just view the moon :)

Still keep meaning to look at that Lunar 100 list, but not got round to starting it yet.

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Had a pleasant hour outside in the front yard - just me, my little 80mm frac and The Moon.

Tried to view The Orion Nebula before the brightness of The Moon wrecked my vision, but it was to no avail :(

Decided to make a start on The Lunar 100 - well, thought I might aswell view The Moon as there was nothing else observable under the searchlight lol

Thick cloud stopped play after an hour, and the brightness of the moon made a couple of the "easy" initial targets quite hard to locate, so here are the items I ticked off tonight:

1 - The Moon

2 - Earthshine

3 - Mare / Highland dichotomy

4 - Apennines

5 - Copernicus

6 - Tycho

10 - Mare Crisium

11 - Aristarchus

12 - Proclus

13 - Gassendi

14 - Sinus Iridum

Think I'll carry on with that when The Moon makes any other observing too difficult - it makes a nice change having another challenge to keep going back to :)

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It changes so quickly at the moment, could see Jupiter and Venus out of the skylight of my bathroom, but by the time I was in the car it was raining.

It certainly does, ive just watched the local weather on the bbc and on there it looks cloudy until about 4am, so maybe not tonight

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What is this, the Cloud Appreciation Society???

* it did look good this morning...

I don't Matt. It's getting on my nerves now, the only time it's clear is when the moons high and bright

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Found that it has been logged as an event, but can't seem to find any videos or images other than a naff one on YouTube that may or may not be it.

This is the link to the American Meteor Society who have it logged as event 3593-2015:


This is the only "visual" I can find, but it isn't very good and may not be the right one:


Anyway, time for work :)

Thanks for that Vicky, the video is not good as you said, but better than nothing, just downloaded for my records, event 3593-2015 that's defo the one.


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