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Medium power 1 1/4 eyepiece?


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Looking for advice on which medium power 1 1/4 eyepiece to buy.I have enjoyed using a Meade 20mm QX.But having used a 24mm Panoptic can see it's limitations.I am erring on the 19mm Panoptic,but have also seen The Vixen LVW 17mm.Maxvision 18mm 82 degree.

I am looking for an eyepiece with wide field lens.The Maxvision were temping,but the field lenses look a bit narrow on the photographs.My budget is approx £200.

I should add that I am looking for focal lengths of between 17mm to 20mm. :cheesy::undecided: :undecided: :undecided::wink:

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Hi Michael.What are the views like compared to other premium eyepieces?Edge to edge sharpness?

What scope are you going to be using the eyepiece in GM ?

Quite a few wide angle eyepieces are sharp "edge to edge" in a slow scope like an F/10 but the number dwindles as the focal length gets faster. Tele Vue are the masters of "sharp to the edge" in the faster scopes.

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I would consider the 17.3mm Delos even though its £50 over budget.

The 14mm delos and 24pan are my medium and low power EPs and I love them both, but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on I prefer the viewing experience through the delos. It has loger eye relief and a massive viewing lens.

I would also take the Vixen LVW 17mm off the list as I have compared a mates 13mm and 8mm LVWs to my 14mm and 8mm delos and the near edge sharpness is way off with the LVWs (and they aren't cheap either!)

+1 for the maxvision EPs though. As Michael says they are a steal at the moment.

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I use my MaxVision in an F/6 scope where the views are fine, and it holds its own against my TV EPs. I tried the pair I have briefly in some quantum 5 100mm bins, but not on astro targets, so edge sharpness is hard to assess. The view looked crisp though. If you can afford the 19 mm Panoptic, or the 17.3 Delos, those should have an edge, but I do not know how noticeable it would be.

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What about a secondhand 17mm Nagler if one comes up I would have thought 200-220 would do the trick now they have dropped in price.

I have never seen a 19mm Panoptic but I have 3 of the others and thay are fabulous eyepieces.

As Moonshane said, the Radian is a great eyepiece at 18mm but rare secondhand.

At F4.7 I would be careful if you want sharp edges, the Meade/Maxvision 18mm is the only one I have never had, but what these are like at your scope speed I don't know. I have had a good few of them in my F5.26 M/Newt but that is somewhat slower, I understand that below F5 things turn pear shaped rather quickly.

The Delos 17.3mm is by all accounts is stunning but 50 pounds OTT, worth thinking about though.


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I'd disagree with the comment about LVWs. If I hadn't already got 22mm and 17mm T4 Naglers I'd get the 22mm and 17mm LVWs. The ones I have, 13mm and 8mm, are sharp to the edge and very comfortable to use. The 42mm is a beast like no other ;)

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I'd disagree with the comment about LVWs. If I hadn't already got 22mm and 17mm T4 Naglers I'd get the 22mm and 17mm LVWs. The ones I have, 13mm and 8mm, are sharp to the edge and very comfortable to use. The 42mm is a beast like no other ;)

Me too. I've used most of the 1.25" ones and they are excellent eyepieces even with fast scopes. The 22mm is a little gem  :smiley:

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Another way of looking at is £200 would buy 2-3 Maxvisions. My 16 & 24mm are remarkably crisp at the edges in my f4.9 Dob. More so than my ES82s, albeit this may be down to there being a lot less edge to be sharp at!


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Could not wait that long.I have ordered the 19mm Pan from Telescope House.Looking forward to using it of course and not just admiring it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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