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The Fickle Used Ortho Market


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It does not seem very long ago that news of the end of production of the Baader Genuine Orthoscopics caused the used price to rocket to £70-£90 apiece for them. Now we have Astro Hutech's and Fujiyama HD orthos and balance has been restored and perhaps swung the other way:


It's not my advert of course ( I already have one !) but under £40 delivered for what is, optically at least, the best 6mm eyepiece I've ever used seems somewhat of a bargain.

Maybe the ortho is entering one of it's "unfashionable" phases again ? 

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I definitely think the shorter focal lengths have generally had a lower second hand value because of the very tight eye relief. I've got a 6mm and its just about ok for me but would go any shorter.


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I love the ortho`s, and that 6mm is a right bargain, but i have the circle T 6mm so wont be getting this one, although i will be the first to agree the BGO offers slightly more light transmission than the circle T

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I have offered to buy it :smiley:  thank you John

I saw this soon after it had been posted, and thought there wasn't any point since I've got the 3-6mm Zoom, do let us know how it compares :).

Mike is a very friendly guy, I've bought things off of him in the past.

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I realise using Orthos with their tight field of view and eye relief is a very personal thing, but I spent a good 3 hours with the 6mm and 5mm BGO in the 10" f/5 this morning without a problem. With either eyepiece it was a sheer joy watching the multi-shadow transit approximate and pass over Jupiter. After the session this morning I was left in a bit of a muddle, wondering how something like a Nagler or Delos or Radian would perform compared with the BGOs. After reading John's comforting words above, it's nice that I can rid my mind of such potentially ruinous thoughts :grin:

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I saw this soon after it had been posted, and thought there wasn't any point since I've got the 3-6mm Zoom, do let us know how it compares :).

Mike is a very friendly guy, I've bought things off of him in the past.

There will be no review for the time being as someone else got in there first,  :smiley: I am sure another one will pop along and in the meantime ill struggle along with the TV Zoom :laugh:

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Considering some of the eyepiecs I have I am a fan of Orthoscopics. I paid a bit over the top for the 9mm but after using it I don't care. It would have been nice to add a 12.5mm without having to move to the Hutechs but I am sure they are the same after John fine review of them. Must say though 39 quid is very cheap.

I settled for a Kasai for the 18mm spot and that seems very good as well. I was going to buy a 5mm BGO from a site member but after the 6mm I thought the ER was maybe a bridge too far. Still now I wish I had bought it, that's life.

I bashed out a review on the 6mm BGO, 6mm Delos and the Nagler zoom in June, it's in Equipment reviews, I think.


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Considering some of the eyepiecs I have I am a fan of Orthoscopics. I paid a bit over the top for the 9mm but after using it I don't care. It would have been nice to add a 12.5mm without having to move to the Hutechs but I am sure they are the same after John fine review of them. Must say though 39 quid is very cheap.

I settled for a Kasai for the 18mm spot and that seems very good as well. I was going to buy a 5mm BGO from a site member but after the 6mm I thought the ER was maybe a bridge too far. Still now I wish I had bought it, that's life.

I bashed out a review on the 6mm BGO, 6mm Delos and the Nagler zoom in June, it's in Equipment reviews, I think.


Ill go have a look for it and have a read :smiley:

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price depends on availability. 6mm BGO is commonly available and easy to get here in UK and in European/USA market as such the price is relatively low.try getting any other and the price will differ a lot. I managed to get the 6mm for 36quid and 9 &18 mm for 50 and i consider that a superb bargains(all 3 Ep`s where like new with boxes etc),where my 5 and 7mm i had to source from France and USA.but still managed to keep them in 60quid area and as such they where still cheaper as Huetechs or any other new comers on the ortho market.However,the 12.5mm BGO seems will be super rare and not a single person is selling it in the world! i have been searching for it for a while and settled for a circle t for time being,with a hope that some day i will find it :)  i like complete sets.

I am in the progress of building a planetary scope (no details for the moment as i am still working on it,but will post once everything has been finalized and the missing parts obtained) and as such i decided to get a set of orthos for it.tried them the other day on my 10" F4.7 and i had no issues with the eye relief,and lowed the views these Ep`s provide.but as many have said before:everyones eyes are different.Someone will love them,someone will hate them. Definitively not for a spec wearers.

Clear skies . 

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Considering some of the eyepiecs I have I am a fan of Orthoscopics. I paid a bit over the top for the 9mm but after using it I don't care. It would have been nice to add a 12.5mm without having to move to the Hutechs but I am sure they are the same after John fine review of them. Must say though 39 quid is very cheap.

I settled for a Kasai for the 18mm spot and that seems very good as well. I was going to buy a 5mm BGO from a site member but after the 6mm I thought the ER was maybe a bridge too far. Still now I wish I had bought it, that's life.

I bashed out a review on the 6mm BGO, 6mm Delos and the Nagler zoom in June, it's in Equipment reviews, I think.


on the subject of eye relief with ortho`s, i was reluctant to get a 5mm VT, in the end i took the plunge, and its so good i got the 4mm! 

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The 4mm VT is actually surprisingly usable as long as you don't mind the feeling of it's conical top snuggling into your eye socket. Fujiyama have a 4mm flat top (like the Astro Hutech / Baader GO) which I've been offered a loan of to review. I might take them up on it and do a comparison with the 4mm Radian that I have.

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I think I might look out for one, even if I do find it a bit tight it is not like shelling out for a Delos or Ethos.  I was using the 6mm BGO last night againt the Nagler zoom, not a lot in it but the scatter on the BGO is better, isn't Venus difficult at the moment.


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I'm looking at used Orthos, but its very confusing as there are so many different makes and types!!

There was a short period of time a few months back when it looked like there would be very few ortho options available but now there are a number of brands out there. I strongly suspect that many of these brands source their eyepieces from the same factory in Japan now as I believe there is just one making them.

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Do you believe this is the same place making the Hutechs and the Kasai etc etc.?


Yes, I think it is Alan. I've been loaned the 4mm, 6mm and 25mm Fujiyama orthos by Glen Moulton at Lyra Optic (thanks Glen  :smiley: ) to compare with the Baader GO's and Astro Hutech orthos that FLO have kindly lent me (thanks FLO :smiley: ). In these focal lengths the Astro Hutech's and Fujiyama's look identical in all but the printing on them, even the boxes and wrapping are the same. I'll find out soon I hope whether they perform in a similar fashion as well   :smiley:

I'm looking forward especially to trying the 4mm as that focal length has not been available in this design up until now.

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