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Which 12mm?


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The 24mm Panoptic is one of the finest 1.25 inch eyepieces on the market, even people that have off-loaded them often regret their actions later.

Now I have had 3 days of rain so you all must be having some of my normal weather? I any case I hope you get some for the new addition .


You must've sent some of your rain our way. It's been raining non-stop today and I haven't even ordered either eyepiece yet!

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It's my fault I ordered a 3mm Radian, I found I was getting the shakes of a morning from withdrawal, it been almost 6 months.


Is that a new one Alan ?

I think the 3mm is the only Radian that TV market new now. I picked up a used one a couple of months ago as my ultra-silly power eyepiece. It's great for teasing those tight binary stars apart  :smiley:

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Sadly yes it's new, I don't have your luck. I haven't bought anything since the 3.5mm D and that was the back end of May.

 thought they were still making the 4mm as well but I am not sure. It will give me X264 I believe on the refractor and I could use it in the Mac/Newt as well at X333 but the APM was my main concern. It is not such a silly power on this with my conditions here, I will of course let you all know what it's like but i don't see it being an everyday eyepiece if there is indeed such a thing. I know you got a S/H one and I have been looking but no joy, I have seen them S/H in the States but i will not buy from there.


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I've gone from never having used a Radian to being quite a fan of them in a matter of a few months. I guess the Delos will be an improvement again but Radians seen fine eyepieces for their cost.

I'll be interested in your views on how the 3.5mm Delos and the 3mm Radian compare Alan  :smiley:

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John, The 3mm Radian and the Delos 3.5mm will take some time to put together as I will need good nights to be over X230 on a 115mm but I will  research it.  At least I will not be able to do my normal 5 scope check but could use them in the two shorter F/L scopes both of which are 1000mm and under. Jupiter is getting up earlier and Mars will be coming into the mix soon.

What are the F/L of your refractors.

First thing is lets see if I can get one as Telescope House seem to have sold out and My friend in Sofia will most likely take this from TS but they are not always that accurate with what they have in stock.


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We have drifted somewhat from the OP on the Delos but we are still talking Televue. 

So in effect not a million miles away from what I will be assessing, I may as well use the 4.5mm Delos and the 4mm Radian as well while I am doing it to get another review, must be careful with the notes, we don't want any mistakes.

Just put the roof boards on the observatory and guess what it's raining.


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We have a clear sky at the moment and it looks set fair. We have water too which is a bonus, really gets to the wife.

The 31mm Nagler is a fair lump in the focuser and I can't say I have used mine very much, I was doing a lot of work at the scope for the Meade and Nagler review. I am trying to finish the observatory in the next two weeks, normally the weather is OK up to mid December then it gets too cold for cement and painting. It was 1 degree last night and I don't mean the FOV of the Nagler, most strange.

I hope Naemeth is happy with what he buys, I don't like recommending thing too much in case people are not happy, just because I really like something does not make it law.


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Cat is out of the bag. I've given up trying to stop myself from going to widefields. First is going to be the 24mm Pan, and I doubt I'll be able to hold back the flood after that.

So, which good quality 12mm should I go for, my options seem to be:

Pentax XF 12mm

Delos 12mm

Nagler T4 12mm

Ethos 13mm

Pentax XW 14mm / 10mm (at a push either way)

I'll be able to afford one of them, but not two. Ethos will have to be 2nd hand.

Aha! I knew you were on the ball Naemuth. This thread is exactly what I was trying to ask about and you helped answer.

Your wisdom narrowed it down and now i'm decided on a 12mm. Brilliant mate.

Right what's the verdicts, hmm..

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Great choice Jonathan and Shaun I have been playing with the 24mm panoptic tonight against the Meade 24mm on a wide range of star clusters with the M/N F5.26.

It wasn't done very professionally but I would have said the Panoptic was a bit more contrasty and altogether tighter than the Meade, it was almost as if the view was of a smaller magnification and of course it wasn't. It is a little difficult when one eyepiece has a bigger field, I at least like to try and report the facts as i see them and this does not help. When I was doing the 14mm Delos review I had the same problem when using the 13mm Ethos, I find i spend a long time looking at what is in front of me when doing such things and I normally double check everything.

BTW it was a night to die for, many of the clusters were visible with naked eye.


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I have the 12mm T4 Nagler. I have looked through both the 13mm Ethos and 12mm Delos.

The extra field of the ethos is a temptation, but the T4 is no slouch on this anyway. The extra sharpness of the ethos and Delos? Would take me considerably longer than the views I've had to spot it. When you get to this quality, the differences are so small.

I think the light transmission would be better on the Ethos and Delos with their more modern coatings, but by the time I've changed from one eyepiece to another its too tough for me to spot. Reckon I'd need two identical scopes alongside one another to make a call. As I don't have this.....I'll keep my Nagler T4 ;)

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